Chapter 1

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Hey guys, my name is Katie and this is my first chapter. I hope you guys like it!!!!!! Tell me what you think in the comments :) love you guys!!!!!!

♢Ivory-Ivy♢point of view


"Do you want me to take you to school, honey?" I hear my mom yell up the stairs.

"No thanks, I will drive myself. Ask Ivan," I yell back down from the doorway of the bathroom. 

I look into the mirror at my blonde hair. It is all curly from how I put it in a bun after my shower. I plug in the curling iron though, just so it will give it a little more structure. 

"Are you sure? I want to be there for your first day of school," she says. 

"No mom, it's fine. You've been there for me every other time. It's my junior year, I will just drive myself, sorry," I say. 

"Okay, sweetheart, if that's what you want." she says. 

"Yes, thank you," I reply. 

I go back into my room while the curling iron heats up and put on my outfit for the day. Since it is August and still warm I picked these flower shorts that goes with my pineapple tank top. I throw it on and go back into the bathroom only to find, Ivan. 

"What are you doing in here, I have to curl my hair," I say.

"One sec, sis, let me fix my hair," he says. 

He takes his hair gel out of the cabinet and puts some in and spikes his hair in the front. 

"Is mom taking you to school?" he asks.

"No, I'm driving myself why?"

"Can I get a ride?" he asks with his famous puppy dog face. 


"Why not?"

"Because it's the first day of school and I am driving my new blue mustang that I got for my birthday!!" I yell over excitedly.

"Please just a ride there and back, I won't bother you at all,"

"Ivan no."



"Oh come on! I will tell mom about you spilling milk all over the couch."

"We leave in 30." I give in. 

You probably thinking, oh wow, milk does so much damage, but really my mom gets sooo mad at Ivan and I if we spill anything on any furniture. 

He finally leaves the bathroom and I put half of my hair up and half of my hair down and start to curl it piece by piece. 15 minutes later it is all curled and I go into my room and put on my white vans. 

"Mom, did you cook breakfast??" I yell at her urgently. 

"No, I'm sorry sweety, I woke up at 5:45 not 5 today," she says to me as I walk down the stairs. 

"Okay, I guess I will just grab McDonalds real quick," I say to non one in particular, "IVAN, LETS GOO" 

"Right behind ya sis" he says. 

I grab my keys and walk into the garage to find my new blue mustang. Smiling to myself I get in and Ivan follows. 

"What do you want from McDonalds?" I ask him while pulling out of the garage into the street. 

"Thanks but no thanks, I don't want anything to eat," he says. 

"Okay, suit yourself," I say. 

I make my way over to the McDonalds drive thru and hear a voice ask, "Welcome to McDonalds, my name is Derek, how may I help you?"

"Hi, I would like two hash browns with an iced coffee please," I answer. 

"Okay that would be $5.00 anything else?"

"No thanks,"

"Okay, $5.00 it is,"


I pull around to see a guy that is probably around 21 and he has dark black hair and green eyes. 

"$5.00 please" he says. 

I smile and hand him a $5.00 bill and he says, "Have a great rest of your day."

I drive to the next window and get my food and start to eat. 

"Can you just drive already?" Ivan states more than asks.

"Yeah, sorry."

5 minutes later we arrive in the school parking lot and Ivan says, "Thanks for the ride sis, have a good first day of school. See you around."

"No problem, see ya," I reply.

I continue eating my food till I'm done and put the trash in my mini trash bag and get out bringing my iced coffee with me.

Since it is the first day of school, everyone lines up in lines and gets their information for this school year: schedule, locker number, and locker combination. I see a shorter line and jump in it and not even 5 minutes later I am up next. 

A lady in her late forties looks up and says, "Hello, my name is, Mrs. Moore, what is your name so I can get you your information?"

"Ivory Harrison."

"Harrison, Harrison, Harrison." she says skimming down a line of names on a piece of paper.

"Ahhh, Harrison, Ivory," she says handing me a small piece of paper, "this is your locker combination and this is your class schedule," she hands me another piece of paper, slightly bigger. 

"Thank you so much!!" I say smiling. 

"You're very welcome, now get on you want to get all your stuff in your locker before everyone meets in the gymnasium for the ceremony. Have a good 2016 school year!" she says as I step around her table and walk inside my school. 

Ashton High. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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