Chapter 10

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Anna laid on the couch, her anxiety growing. Tomorrow was the day. She would finally get to see him again. Her heart fluttered at the thought. Staying with Jordan for a week. Alone. 

Frankly, she didn't know what it would do to her. Her heart felt as if it were in a blender, spinning round and round as blades nicked it to shreds. She wasn't sure if it was how Jordan felt about her, how Brian was acting, or her own internal battles. But perhaps it was a mixture of the three creating a heartache cocktail. Speaking of cocktails, she could use a drink.

She walked to the bedroom to continue packing. This was what she needed, though. A week away, having fun with someone she cared about. No work, no relationship stress, just modeling and video games. It would be as simple as that...right?

She left early the next morning. The sun had not risen, and for a moment, as she drove to the airport, her mind wandered to the drive to Orlando. She smiled softly. That had almost been a year ago. Amazing; how much had changed in such a short time...

Anna settled into her seat on the plane, closing her eyes. She knew that, when she opened them, it would be the beginning of something new.


Jordan sat in the terminal, wringing his hands in his lap. She would be here soon. And for just this week, though he could not have her in the manner he would like, she was all his. The night before, he had laid awake in his bed and considered something he never thought he would imagine. How hard would it be, he wondered, to convince Anna to leave Brian and be with me? He felt selfish at first, since Anna seemed happy with Brian and pulling them apart was not what friends were supposed to do. Still, it was hard not to imagine it: showing her how much he cared about her and how much better he would be as a boyfriend than Brian. And what is she actually said yes?

Jordan shook his head, clearing the thoughts from his mind as he continued to wait.

He wondered if she had changed at all, since, curiously, they hadn't ever chatted via video. But she was a model after all. Maybe her hair was shorter, or she had dyed it. Maybe she had done something crazy, like plastic surgery. Jordan chuckled quietly. Yeah right. That wasn't Anna. She wasn't the most confident person, but she would never alter herself like that. And he was glad of it. She was perfect the way she was.

An announcement over the intercom broke his train of thought as it said that Anna's flight had arrived.

Oh boy...


Anna was jolted awake by the plane landing. She had fallen asleep somewhere over Texas, and was having a startling dream before she was shaken awake by the turbulence. Her heart leaped into her throat as the world returned to her and she realized where she was. She was in LA, and Jordan was here. 

She picked up her luggage (which wasn't much, really) and headed out the gate. She saw Jordan before he saw her. She grinned. He looked adorable, as usual - shifting from foot to foot with his hands in his pockets as his eyes wept the crowd to find her. He looked just like regular Jordan. She felt like a tea kettle, bubbling and warm with the possibility of a high-pitched noise at any moment. 

Jordan's eyes finally locked on to her, and she felt as if she would drop at the sight of his face brightening like the sun itself. A grin took over his face and he hurried towards her. She panicked for a moment, unsure of what to do, but the moment passed as the words "what the hell" entered her mind.

"Anna!' he exclaimed as he trotted over to her.

Before she could stop herself, she nearly leaped at him and hugged him tightly. "Jordan. It's so good to see you!"

Jordan wrapped his arms around her, sighing. She was just the same. The same smile, the same hair, the same maddening beauty. Excitement mixed with mild heartache inside him as he pulled away from her. 

"Welcome to California," he said with a shrug. 

She picked up her bag, which she had dropped while hugging him. "Why thank you."

"Would you like a hand with that?"

"Sure," Anna said as he lifted the duffle bag over his shoulder. 

"Shall we?"

She grinned as they began walking, unaware of the faint clicking sound behind them.

Author's Note: So that was a thing. A shorter thing, but a thing nonetheless. More to come, so stay tuned!

By Chance - A CaptainSparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now