Hi! I was tagged by Sakura_Holly to do this 13 facts about me!
First we need to establish some rules! We all know that everyone loves rules!
1. You must put 13 facts about yourself. Duh.
2. You must have a creative title! Or else.....
3. When you are tagged, you must add the rules to your chapter too.
4. No backing out of it. You were tagged so deal with it! At the end you must also tag 15 people.
Lets get started!
1. I am related to the founder of Hershey's Chocolate. It's true! He is my father's father's great-great-great-great (that's 4 greats) grandfather's wife's cousin.
2. I've never been to Disney or out of the U.S.A. :(
3. I once had a dislocated, fractured clavicle. It was the size of a baseball! I had to wear a sling for 6 months! In the stinking summer!
4. I am a huge and I mean very huge Potterhead.
5. A famous youtuber once had a conversation with me! Their channel-
6. I used to be obsessed with the Doddlebops. Hey! Don't judge!
7. I've seen a double rainbow. :3
8. I have glasses. B)
9. I've played Minecraft since 2011.
10. My favorite song is Disarm You. (Kiingtong's intro song.) That is just 'cause it is stuck in my head
11. My favorite number is 52.
12. I have 7 Chickens, 1 Guinea Hen, 3 Parrots, 2 Dogs and 40 fish in my pond! (The fish keep breeding)
13. I am an advanced figure skater who does routines and advanced competitions.
That's all about me now it is time to hear from you! Here are the 15 people that I am tagging.
Savannah2752 (Yes you can follow yourself)
I have no one else 'cause I am a lonely person. :(