Pink heart

9 0 2

I was only in 2nd grade and my clock turned pink around this guy and so did his but we never acknowledged it. Later when I turned 9 I met the same boy and then we fell in love but didn't tell anyone!!! I don't want to give up my clock for some elementary crush. I barely even know his name... I think it's Jay?? Let me ask. "Hey I was wondering what your name is?"
"It's Jay and you are?"
"Oh um I am Sammi"
All of his friends looked at our clocks and nudged him to ask me!!
"Do you want to be my crystal clock Sammi"
"Sorry Jay I don't think so my hearts red for someone else"
"Oh ok"
That was mean I know but it's what I had to do he wasn't my crystal clear soulmate. I don't even know if I'll have one!! At age 12 in suppose to find mine but what if the sand doesn't run out? What if I'm suppose to always be single? I can't even think about this anymore.

Sorry for the short chapter but should I keep writing it?

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