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-Mi Young pov-

"Leave! Your a disgrace to this family!! We never loved you!" Those words my father once yelled repeated in my head each time I woke and each time I went to sleep

I now live in an abandoned house that still, surprisingly, has light and water working. My brothers, mother and father all disowned me from there family because I didn't want to follow in there foot steps and one day take over the company. I wanted to explore the world, live my life to the fullest, even become and idol probably, I've always had a passion for dancing and singing and I wanted to audition for a company. But like I said I'm now homeless living in some broken down house. I have no one, no one at all. I'm surprised I'm still alive.

"Alone. Is sometimes good." I thought as I put black skinny jeans, my old black and white converse, and a gray hoodie

Same goes for school. I'm an outcast. An alien in there eyes and no one seems to care about my feelings. But I'm use to it so it doesn't effect me as much. The only thing that does is the bullying.

I walked to school as the wind was cold and fog filled the area. Breathing in the cold, crisp air and releasing, I just kept my straight face and plugged my headphones in as I listened to the only music I had on my phone which was sad music

"We never loved you!" Ever since that day I've learned to never love, care about someones feelings, never showed emotion, never loved anyone agian.


I walked into the school gates with my hoodie still on my head and headphones in my ears but nothing playing, I had them in so people would think I was listening to music.

"Hey freak!!" I heard a male voice half yell

I turned around and the schools most popular guy was smirking as his group was behind him

I turned back around heading to my class, but he kept calling put for me but I ignored him

As I entered the class room I saw a group of girls around my desk laughing and giving eachother high-fives, as they noticed I arrived they scattered away to there desk.

"Freak!!" "Loser!" "Ugly alien!" I read all the messages they wrote but one really got me pissed and it said "No one will ever love you."

"Like I don't know that already." I thought as I pushed the desk towards the wall slowly putting next to the other one that they wrote on and grabbed a new desk

I sat down placing my head on the desk and played some music, the lesson started and I was focused now on the lesson, as paper balls, spit balls, pencils, and pens were thrown at me but I stayed still as a statue focusing on the lesson and trying my best to keep calm

"Class! Pay attention!" The teacher half yelled hitting his ruler on the desk

"Yes sir!" They all said in unison

I sat there now drawing random stuff in my notebook. Because what he was teaching is what I already learned by my parents before they kicked me out of there family

"Mr. Kim? Oh you have a new student." A lady said as she walked in and I was a tall make figure behind her. He was wearing torn black skinny jeans, gray hoodie, and all black convers, Just like my outfit.

"Please introduce yourself to the class." Mr. Kim said as the boy stood by his desk in front of the whole class. His hair was long anough to reach over his eyebrows, he was looking down saying nothing, had both hands on his backpack straps, nothing. He wouldn't speak at all.

"oh your shy. I get it, your new and it's scary on the first day of school. So go sit down over there. Behind that thing with the gray hoodie." Mr. Kim pointed at the desk behind me. As the male got closer and closer he looked down at his outfit and then mine.

"Mr. Jeon. It's the desk behind her." the teacher snapped him out of his stare and he hurried to the desk behind me

"He's like the male version of the freak!" I heard two girls whisper to eachother

"He's nothing like me. He probably has a family, best friend, probably even a girlfriend with a good face like that." I continued to draw on my notebook but I felt a stare on me, like it was stabbing me in the back with there intense stare.

"He's even staring at her." The girl whispered agian

I turned around a little looking at him as we made eye contact. He just stare back at me.

"What...?" I mumbled but turned back around shaking it off and now drawing agian


"Lunch!!" some one yelled as we all left the classroom. This new guy has all classes with me, and each time the teacher would introduce him he would stay quiet and then would end up sitting behind me

"Lunch. Great." I walked out of the classroom as I thought I was the last one but turns out that's guy was following me

"He's new. Hes probably just following because he doesn't know his way around." I stopped in my tracks turning to look at him and he just stood there as well.

"If your following me because you don't know your way to lunch. Im not going to lunch so you can follow someone else." I said and he stayed quiet

"Are you going to lunch?" I asked and he shook his head 'no'

"Why?" I asked witg my soft voice piercing through the silent atmosphere. He just shrugged his shoulders

"Can you not speak?" I asked and he nodded his head meaning 'Yes'

"Can you talk to me? This will be easier if you speak." I asked and he breathed in soon realising the air

"Hey..." He said softly, his voice calm and soothing.

"Thanks. Now I'm not going to lunch so I don't know why your following me." I explained

"I know... Im following you because... Well I want a friend.." he explained slowly thinking on every word

"Well... Your gonna wanna make friends with someone else. I don't know if you've gotten it yet but I'm the school freak, an outcast, alien of the school, you don't want to be friends with me." I explained and he just stared

"That's why I want to be your friend..." He said

"Why? Because you feel bad for me not having friends? Well don't feel bad. I'm used to it. Just go make friends with someone else or your signing yourself up for a living hell at school." I turned around and continued to walk soon being behind the school

"Still following me... Well he's just asking for a hell at school" I sat down on bench that was under my favorite tree because it's easy for me to climb up

"Hey... " He said softly agian but sitting on the bench next to me leaving a big gap


Sorry if it's a little sad. But I hoped you liked it. Please tell me what you thought about it in the comments, it will really help me on what to fix and what not to fix. Bue!ฅ'ω'ฅ

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