I hate her

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" i know your secret.."

"I know your secret"

"I know your secret"

The voice continued to repeat its words ... The words that i always fear for one to say.

Lights and torches they come across to me the faces of the humans they came to taunt me.

"I know your secret"

"I know your secret"

They came to taunt me

"I know your secret"
They came to torch me.

One by one putting there burning torches on me setting me on fire.

The pain reaping through my skin as my terrified screams hit the air and i see the girl... I knew she was cruel but i didn't think she would take her bullying this far.

I didn't think she would find out and kill me...

If only she knew about her self..


I shot up out my bed standing completely on my feet.  Another bad dream.
Looking at my clock it was 6:00am.

Time to get ready for this horrid place called school.

Getting to school i wait for the bell of hell to ring.  Which It finally did ring alerting me that hell was now to start and the devil and her 3 demons were now going to come out. 

  Going in the lair of hell i now start my day waiting for lunch time and last period.


    Currently i am in last period covered in milk that is probably rotten. 

During lunch Lucifer and her demon hounds came out and poured milk on my head.

I freaking hate her!

I hate the smell of her!  I hate everything about her!

I wish i could teach her a lesson, but i cant.  If i loose my temper again like last time and have my Alpha ceremony postponed again because of my 'Reckless actions'.

"Hey bitch!" Yelled an all to familiar voice.  But i decided to ignore it.  Im tired of dealing with her.  Really tired of dealing with her bull.

"Oh, so you trying to ignore me."  I could hear the smirk in voice.  Which just only made my blood crawl more.

I hate her.

"Hey.." She whispered in my ear.  Snapping my head to her and i realized how close she was, her closeness and warmth made the plain classroom disappear.  The only thing i could see was her tan skin and freckles the tiny mole above her soft looking pink lips that were in a twisted teasing smirk.  And her eyes.  Her eyes are this deep light blue ocean.  Within in them i got so lost i forgot all the reasons i hated her.

She lifted my chin up higher so that our mouths were only a hair fracture apart and just when i thought she would kiss me she said, "Lesbian Scum". And just like that she pulled back.

And once again

Ugh 15 minutes 15 more minutes then ill get to go home and sleep forever since its only Friday.  And since today's a full moon i have no control over anything.  As an alpha you would think i do.  But i'm only 16 and i have never liked going with my parents and learning how to control myself, it was just so boring.

   The bell had finally rang and Mr.steen had stopped talking about whatever the hell he was teaching.
Probably something boring.

"Hey Lesbian!" Yelled Lucian aka Lucifer.
"What?" Groaning and turning to her.  I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.
"I want to see something right quick, come!" She yelled dragging my wrist

And i want to go home, let go.

We stopped at the evacuation stars were no one ever goes and she turned to me.

"What did you want to see?" I asked bluntly.

" if you are really Lesbian."
Really nigga?

"Yes now ca-" before i could finish my question she had her lips pressed against mines.  They were soft confirming my thoughts about earlier and she moved them in such a sync that i couldn't resist kissing her back.  Her lips they just..this kiss..woah..

We kissed for 3 minutes and her hands were now roaming around my body one on my ass and the other on my right boob, while mines stayed in a respectful place on her lower back.

"Lesbian Bitch!" She pushed me back with a smirk on her face and ran down the hall telling people stuff i couldn't hear.

I hate her.. If only she knew what she was. She wouldn't be making fun of me then.


First chapter suxkssss i know I'm sorry my first chapter always sucks don't worry it'll get better!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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