Torturing Ayato

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Dire/Fiery: Okay Twins!

Twins:*tortures Ayato*


Dirou:*eats Takoyaki in front of Ayato* mmm.....


Kate:*ties Ayato in a chair*

Laito Jr: *pokes Ayato's eyes*

Ayato:ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow !!!!!!!!😣😣😣😣

Leila:*locks Ayato in a closet full of pictures of clowns*

Ayato:*cries like a baby* UWAHH!!!😭😭😭😭 LET ME OUT!!! YUI!!!

Yui:Sorry Ayato,it's a dare...

Ayato:I HATE CLOWNS!!!!*dies of fear*

Dirou/Kate/Laito Jr./Leila: 😉😉😉

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