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so today i'm gunna do a couple of serious things.

TRIGGER WARNING!!!! If you are uncomfortable with the subjects listed in the next 2 sentences, it is not a priority to read this, but please read the bolded paragraph at the bottom!! THANK YOU!!!!

So i can probably guess and say everyone reading this knows what Self-Harm means. I'm sure you all know about depression too. To most people they go hand-in-hand. 

Well i have always, since i can remember, had a problem with depression and i never told anyone. I thoughT if i just ignored it the bad feeling would go away, that if i hung out with friends or family, i would be happy..... but it never worked! So that all started when i was 7 years old, i know, young right? You have to remember though, i'm only 12(in a month). When i was 9 it got really bad, i started to cut.... it was a really hard time for my whole family, my brother started ignoring us, he got drunk and smoked weed every night, he was depressed too.... So yeah, that"s when it started, but then i moved!! I only moved a town over but it felt like a whole new world!! I made friends and my depression went away for awhile. But then, i got to sixth grade... it started out wonderful!!!But doesn't everything? I made some new friends, lost some old ones, learned more, bonded with teachers... Then things got bad again, one of my closest friends fell into depression.... Me and my friends tried to help but nothing seemed to work. That's also around the time when the bullies started. At first it was small things like making fun of my clothes, then the started the name-calling and making fun of me. My last straw was when the started doing it to my friends too!! I was so depressed and felt so alone, there was a point when i told my mom to take me out of school. Around then i also started to self-harm again, i wanted to die. Only my closest friends knew what i had done to myself, i hid it so well. Some were disappointed and some felt the same way.Then when school was almost over things got better, the bulling pretty much stopped and i didn't feel so alone anymore!! : ) Then the school year ended and so did  my depression, mostly there's always those days where it resurfaces and i feel down but it usually passes. To this day none of my family knows about my depression and only my closest friends do. I pretty much made this because i was feeling really down today and i wanted to tell you guys more about me!!

Please!!! If you have depression or do Self-Harm, Please TELL SOMEONE!! Even if you just want to DM me i will always try and help when i can!!

P.S. If you know someone who Self-Harms please tell someone, a parent and/or guardian, this can be the difference between life and death for someone you care about!!



 1-800-DONT-CUT, 1-800-344-HELP






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