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June 25th, 2016

Tac. My taco. My very cheesy love. I haven't talk to you in what seems like forever, but I know it hasn't been forever. Forever is a very very long time. In reality it's been two months, two very long months. I last talked to you on April 16th. It's June now Tac. June. June 25th, it's about to be July. When do you planing coming back? Is it because of the army? Do they have you this busy? I tried calling you today. My heart didn't even feel like it was beating as the phone rung. I can't describe how it dropped when I got the answer machine. I don't know how to describe the feeling that washed over me when I heard the click that meant you didn't answer. I don't know Tac, I don't know how to feel now a days. My emotions are scattered, I'm starting to turn backwards. I need you. I need my Tac. No. I need my rock. I need my pockets back. I miss you so much that it hurts honestly. It feels like you're not going to come back. I keep listening to the videos that you sent me. I love them, you're voice, I could listen to it always.

"Loop, I love you, no matter what, through thick and thin, and one day we're gonna meet and it's going to be amazing, and then we can do all the things that we normally do and hug and stuff."

This one is my favorite, the one of you being sick being second. I need you to come back, so that you can give me more. I need you to come back so that you can fill me with your shimmies. I just need you back, you can drop me in the water again, I don't care. Just come back to me.

It'll always be Loop + Tac = Pockets. And bitches will always be jelly because I love you most. Four years is a long time, but me and you, we got even more a head of us, so come back.

-Your Froot Loops

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