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Just to note if you our joining the fan chapter contest it must be a continuation of the last chapter not this one.

Alex's POV
I am baffled at there story i mean i now about the impossible but i just don't trust them nor believe them but kara seems to believe them wicth is a problem.

" so all of you are all from another universe."

"yeah it's really tripping."said cisco

"yeah the last earth cisco and i wen't all our friends were evil."said Barry

"The one that I don't trust at all is definitely barry there's something about him that I just don't like."

"Wait you have been in other earths."
Said kara in a surprised voice.

"yeah " said Cisco

"okay but how did you and jesse escape." I said in a curious voice

"well we were vibrating at the nature speed of air and your earth allowing us to phase through the wall."said jesse

"yeah your earth has a very light vibration"said Barry

"Seriously phasing through walls thats when i needed to fine out if Kara actually believed them or not"

"okay kara can you and I talk in private."


Weapons room

Kara's pov
I am kinda confused why alex wanted to talk in private couldn't she save it for later

"alright what the hell our you doing."
Said alex in a mad voice

"what do you mean?"said kara

"Do you actually believe there from another universe."



"because i am from another planet and I also fly so I know what it's to be the impossible."

"how do you know that max didn't create them."

"because sara had a kryptanite sword to my face and if she was part of max's little army I should've been died."

"fine believe what you want let's go back to the main room."

(They walk back to the main room)

"hey can you guys get us to national city?" Said Barry

"why don't you have a friend who has a futuristic aircraft."said alex

"yeah but  he went through the breach to check the future of our earth and it seems the breach was closed."  Said ray

"Sure why not"said kara

"great" said sara

"don't you need a place to stay."

"not really Ray is a billionaire." Said Barry

"yeah we can just stay in a five star hotel."said ray


"well it's getting late we should go now." Said kara

National city at 12 am

Kara pov

"After a long day I guess i made new allies and friends especially barry he I became friends real quick and Jesse,cisco,caitlin,ray and kendra are good friends to and i showed them around national city"
"  i enter my apartment change clothes and  go to my bedroom "

"Distant Wooshh"

" i go to the living room thinking it might be barry or jesse but there was no one there "

"Very funny barry or jesse" said kara in a sarcastic voice

"Then I heard another wooshh follow up with the lights turning off i was only able too see blue lighting zooming around a dark figure"

"Who the hell are you"

"The dark figure zoomed behind me and said zoom it gave me chills down my spine i trun around to punch him but he zoomed away and trun the lights on before I could touch  him I hear a voice screaming kara i trun around and i see zoom holding alex by the throat by the balcony"

"Let's her go!"said kara

"As you wish" said zoom

"He dropped alex and right before she hit the ground he grabbed her a left her outside the building then he to lord tech  grabbed a kryptanite knife and a needle of anastasia then he ran back seeing flying down to check on alex then he ran up the wall of the apartment throwing the tranquilizer dart at kara then kara falls asleep mid air then she falls hit the ground"

" Kara!"said Alex

"Zoom stabs kara 4 times then he grabs both of them draging them back to the apartment and he leaves"

"Alex calls the deo explaining a dark figure attack them and zoom came back with another tranquilizer dart injecting it into alex making her fall asleep"

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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