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Jimin got on the bus after his long school day, sitting next to his new friend, Hoseok.

"Hey."To Jimins surprise, Hoseok spoke first. Although Jimin had only known Hoseok for a little over a week, he had hardly ever said anything to him unless Jimin spoke first.


"Are you allowed to have friends over?" Hoseok suddenly asked, which again, was rather strange for him.

"Yea. When?"

"Is today okay?"

"Yea let me tell my mom."Jimin said as he pulled out his phone and texted his mom.

"Thanks." Hoseok mumbled as he leaned his head against the seat.

After a few minutes Jimin heard light snoring from under Hoseoks hood. He decided to lift his hood to see his sleeping face. He jumped back when Hoseok suddenly mumbled a "Yea.. okay yea hold on.." He realized that Hoseok was still asleep, just sleep talking.

Jimin snapped a few pictures of Hoseok sleeping, he couldn't describe why, but something about Hoseok was very adorable to Jimin.

"Hoseok, wake up." Jimin said, tapping Hoseoks shoulder lightly.

"Hm? Oh ... sorry yea..." Hoseok said as he stood up and followed Jimin off the bus and to his house.

"Hi! I'm Jimins mom, you can call me Ms. Park ! I made more cookies for you guys 'cuz I heard you liked them alot!" Jimins mom greeted Hoseok with a hug.

"I'm Hoseok." Hoseok said quietly.

"I know - Jimin talks about you alot ! "

"Okay- I'll show you my room."Jimin said, dragging Hoseok off before his mom could say any more.

Hoseok entered the room after Jimin, taking in the sight of all the posters and pictures he had on his walls. His bed was in the corner of the room, unmade. His desk cluttered with papers and other random things. The only thing that wasn't messy was his video games in the other corner of his room, he had quite a few consoles and tons of games.

"So.... do you wanna play a game or something?" Jimin said after an awkward silence.

"Whatever you want to do." Hoseok said as he sat down on Jimins bed. They sat there in silence for about half an hour until Jimin thought of a game that Hoseok would surely know how to play.

"Ok, how about this, we play truth or dare! It's already getting dark and I have a trampoline for us to sit on!" Jimin said, clearly excited.

Jimin lead Hoseok outside and they both got on the trampoline, Jimins mom was already asleep, so they didn't have to worry about making noise. "The rules are: 1: you can only pass up one dare. 2: if you choose truth it doesn't have to be a 'is it true that' question it can be an actual question. And you can not pass up a truth. 3:we can't do any dares that are super drastic, like stealing a car. Okay?"

"Alright . You start. "Hoseok said.

"Truth or dare ?" Jimin asked, already excited for the outcome.


"Do you like anyone?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe I kind of do.... okay truth or dare?"


"Go steal the neighbors garden gnome." Hoseok said as he laughed. It was the first Jimin had heard him laugh, and it sounded angelic.

Jimin snuck over the fence, crawling behind the bushes and grabbing the garden gnome. After sneaking back over and sitting back on the trampoline Jimin asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Dare."Hoseok said feeling brave.

"I dare you to tell me how you got that scar."


"Ok fine . You already passed so you don't get a choice now. I'll be right back." Jimin said as he went inside his house and came out holding one of those horse head masks. "Strip down to your underwear, put this on, climb on the roof and yell 'I'M A HORSE' really loudly."

"Fuck...." Hoseok said as he pulled his shirt over his head. Jimin was glad that it was dark and you couldn't see much color, except what the small flashlight he had was shining on, because he was already blushing due to Hoseoks lack of clothes.

Hoseok took off his pants to where he was just wearing his grey-ish blue boxers, making Jimin blush even more. He angrily grabbed the horse mask from Jimin, putting it on.

"I swear I'll get you back for this." Hoseok scoffed as he headed for the ladder on the back of the house and started to climb. He got to the top, standing up fully, now able to see that the neighbors on the other side of the house were in their living room playing video games together, right by the window.

Hoseok threw his arms up in the air, yelling "I'M A HORSE!" . That apparently caught the neighbors attention, because they were now all at the window looking at Hoseok on the roof with the ridiculous horse mask on.

After Hoseok got back to the trampoline and started dressing again, he realized that he was starting to get comfortable with Jimin, a little too comfortable. The last thing Hoseok needed was someone telling Jimin what he did, or at least what other people seemed to think he did.

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