If you're still reading. . .

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If you're reading this, you do know you don't have to, right? Wait, don't leave just yet!
. . . Still here? Good. If you clicked on here in the first place I guess you're really into poetry or Shakespeare's work? Either that or I pestered you to read my work. (Thanks either way!) But to get to the point:

I CHALLENGE YOU. You read that right. If you're reading this, I'm challenging you to write a found poem of your own then posting it in the comments. It's harder than it looks, I swear. Anyone else feel that way? . . . No? Just me? Aw. If you accept this challenge, great! I wish you the best of luck! (You'll probably need it.) If you could do a found poem on 2.6 of Romeo and Juliet just like how I did, even better! If you're saying, "Allie, you suck, why in the world would I ever do that?" Well then. . . I just want to say. . . Ouch. Either way, I wish you luck!

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