Journey to happiness

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Nobody really know what kind of kid I was at first. All I know, I was really playful and happy. But I also had a passion for wrestling. I was only 4 when I started to watch it. My favorite Wrestler at the time was The Rock. I always had the chance to watch WWE over at my Aunt and Uncle's apartment because my Great Grandmother said wrestling was "too" violent, she thought I was gonna catch onto their behavior. I didn't, not around her anyways.  But I still obeyed her wishes.

There were times where I challenged my little brother to wrestling matches. I always wrestled with my little brother Christian. We always had mini fights with each other, but I still loved him. We put on mini wrestling matches for my mom in the living room and we some how made a wrestling ring out of blankets. It was a good idea so we didn't get hurt. Just like my Grandma always said; safety first, don't get hurt.

I always acted like Bret "The Hitman" Hart because I knew his finisher fit me best. And The Sharpshooter, made my little brother tap out. I thought to myself that girls can do it, but at the age of 4 or 5, little kids can do anything. But here's the thing, My little brother was around 2 or 3 years old. The kid almost beat me as well. He never got hurt, he knew how to fight.

Like I said, I loved wrestling. And it was 2005, I was introduced to another wrestling show called CZW, I don't know why, but I loved it. My favorite wrestler was The American Dragon. I also loved Jon Moxley, we will get to him later. One time, my Grandmother and I were in Aberdeen, Washington  because we love going to that mall while my aunt Linda went to visit her husband in prison. We found out the carnival was there. We had so much fun, even though my grandma almost got sick on one of the rides. Right as we were about to leave, I saw a very familiar face. I couldn't remember at first, but when I did I said quietly, but in a super happy way, "Nana, Look! Its The American Dragon". My Grandma didn't know who it was, because she didn't really watch wrestling like I did. She told me to go say hi to him. So I did! He was so sweet, no joke.

Daniel Bryan, he was the first wrestler that I have ever met

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Daniel Bryan, he was the first wrestler that I have ever met. That day changed forever for me because it was my Birthday and freaking I met a professional wrestler. I told people at school and they were like "No way, Is he popular". Nobody really believed me at first. I thought to myself, "that was a really stupid question, don't these kids watch wrestling?" but I actually replied with, "Yeah, he wrestled in Japan" which is a fact. Everybody started to like me, but I didn't know if that was wrong or not. I guess I could finally say I was popular.

Time could only tell what Sunshine, Rainbows, Sparkles, and Unicorns were. Not when this was the worse month ever. It was supposed to be show and tell and I was in the 3rd grade, (so please don't judge because this is a true story and this actually happened). I brought my stuffed animal. She my favorite stuffed animal, I named her Bella. She mean't so much to me because my grandma and great grandma got her for me. Let me go on with the story. I was the last one for show and tell that day, I showed everyone and told everyone about Bella. After that, came lunch and recess. I didn't wanna go outside because I didn't want to leave Bella in the classroom, but the Teacher said she would watch her and she said everything would be fine. I got back from recess and I checked my backpack. Bella was gone! She was literally the only thing that kept me happy around that time because I didn't like school and I wasn't watching wrestling. Ever since Bella was taken out of my backpack, everything went downhill. And if Bella wasn't taken, I would have been alright. I was so depressed, I didn't know what to do.

2 weeks after Bella was stolen, I got really sick and I couldn't get up. It felt like the life was sucked out of me. I couldn't stop vomiting. I told my mom, I wanted to go home, I didn't feel good and I wanted to see Nana. She called my grandma ASAP. I felt like I was dying. My grandma picked me up and she took me back to my great grandma's because we were staying there for a little bit. I went to sleep, but I didn't want to go to sleep. At 2 in the morning, I had a Grand Maul Seizure, due to stress and depression. I ended up in the hospital and the tests began. I found out I have been living with Partial Epilepsy my whole life. A small mass in my brain didn't develop when I was born. I was told that I couldn't do certain sports like Football, Wrestling, Soccer, and a few others I don't remember what the doctor said I couldn't do. Later on, I get pulled out of Speed Skating because I hit my head once, ended up with a concussion, and It was too stressful (it could throw me right into a seizure). After I was taken out of the Speed Skating Team, I felt empty and very depressed.

If I couldn't do wrestling, I had 2 other things on my list. Number 2 was, to be a Wrestling Company Owner, which was probably never gonna happen.Number 3 was to be a Sports Commentator on Raw or Smackdown (I hope Smackdown).

These goals I had were crazy, but one day I will make them happen, no matter what it takes.

I hated what I looked like

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I hated what I looked like. This was the time where I was 190 lbs and where I was super depressed. The stages that I went through, 7 years of nasty medicines and all kinds of testing. All of the battles went uphill and down hill. It was hell. I tried to make a change to my life, it reminds me now that I am different and I am not the same Kelsie. The Kelsie before never wanted to fight. The Kelsie before, wanted to give up.

In 2014, the most worst state in time for me. I was done with everything and I just didn't want to live anymore. I hated myself, and I hated the way I looked like. I got caught by a friend, he found me in the kitchen, I was crying and on the floor. He didn't really know why I was crying, but he figured I was getting bullied. I was getting bullied very bad. I was 12 and I listened to everything people said. Some people thought I was a threat to them so they thought it was funny to say my weight scared them. They always found a way to get to me. It did get to me at times, but now it doesn't even get to me anymore. I found a way to toughen up.

In June of 2014, I just had a birthday. I was so hyped for an upcoming Payperview, Money in the Bank. I wanted my hero Dean Ambrose to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he was going against Seth Rollins. I was cheering for Dean all through out the match. Seth cheated and won. I was so depressed and of course I started crying.  But Dean gave the "Life isn't fair, but don't give up on it" Speech. I started crying and I told myself, "that speech was towards me, Dean just said to me Don't give up." Ever since, I have been inspired to inspire others. Thanks to him, I am alive and well. And also because of him, I am running an awesome Anti Bullying Campaign.

 And also because of him, I am running an awesome Anti Bullying Campaign

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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