insert creative name.

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I was tagged to do this by fangirlzrule

The rules are: the rules
2.tag 13 people
3.anwser all 13 questions
4.ask the 13 people you tagged 13 questions
5.dont skip tags
6.tag backs allowed
7.think of a creative title for your tag this as a chapter, not in the comments

my tags:



1.What are all of your ships?
●Sabriel, Destiel, JohnLock, Romione, Hiny, Phan, Troyler, some Game of Thrones ones, but I don't think they have names so... and I probably left out a bunch.

2. Has Senpai ever noticed you?
●In fact, yes:D

3.Gaming consoles (please specify) or PC?
●PC, for sure.

4. Favourite television show?
●I have a lot, like a ton. Here are a few:
-Orange is the New Black
-Game of Thrones
-How I Met Your Mother

5. Favourite food?
●I wanna say cheese.

6. Books or movies?
●If I had to choose, books.

7. Favourite band(s)?
●Red Hot Chili Peppers, Arctic Monkeys, Dubioza Kolektiv

8.Favourite/most used social media?

9.Netflix, YouTube, or both?
●We don't have Netflix in out country (I mean it just came not so long ago, so we don't have it yet), but if you mean movies and shows vs. YouTube? Then both it is.

10. Favourite Disney character?
●Rapunzel, 100%.

11. Do you think before acting or act before thinking?
●Depends on what is happening. I never overthink anything, but I do think, so I don't know.

12. Music or video games?
●I can't live without music, so it's the obvious choice.

13. Favourite author?
●I don't really choose books based on authors, like I love To Kill A Mockingbird, and Sarah's Key, but I never really LOVED the authors. It's a well writen book, and respect to who wrote it, but I don't know, I'm just that kind of person.

My questions:

1. Favourite youtuber?
2. Least favourite youtuber?
3. Favourite book?
4. Favourite movie?
5. Favourite band (choose one)?
6. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
7. Would you rather let Phil die and Dan marry you or Dan die and Phil marry you?
8. Cat person or dog person?
9. Half glass full or half glass empty?
10. Insert picture of your pet (if you have one).
11. Thoughts on LGBT, all of the LGBT marrige comments, everything.
12. Never gonna give you up,
13. If you didn't finish that song, get out. And if you did, lots of love for you.

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