Rexter Part 1

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The sky turned a mixture of orange, pink and yellow, as the sun rose into it. Dexter woke up and walked onto his balcony, to witness this beautiful scene. He sighed, he was thinking about his crush again and what had happened yesterday.

The day before...

Dexter was walking along in the corridor, not looking where he was going, when suddenly he bumped into someone standing at their locker and they both toppled over like dominos.
He looked up to see who it was and realised he had a giant crack down the lense of his glasses. "Oh gort!" He exclaimed. "I'm so sorry that was my falt, I wasn't looking where I was going."
"No I wasn't really paying attention either, so we're both to blame." He heard a voice answer. He looked up to see Raven Queen kneeled in front of him, picking up her books and putting them back in her locker.
"Well I've got to get to class and I imagine you do to..."she was cut off by the bell. She helped Dexter to his feet and rushed off, leaving a dumbfounded Dexter by her locker.

Back to present day

He decided to hext Cupid.

Dexter: Hi Cupid did you hear about what happened yesterday?
Cupid: Yes, do you want to talk about it?
Dexter: Yes, I don't know what to do, whenever I'm around her I just mumble. She probably thinks I'm just some wierdo.
Cupid: Raven would never think that, she may the daughter of the Evil Queen, but it doesn't mean she's like her mother.
Dexter: Well, I think she's the kindest, sweetest girl I've ever met.
Cupid: Well tell her that then.
Dexter: I can't do that.
Cupid: Yes you can.
Dexter: No I can't, I will just stutter.
Cupid: Why don't you tell her while you watch the sunset?
Dexter: That's a great idea, thanks Cupid, you're the best!

Later on...

Dexter put his mirror phone in his pocket and walked to the balcony on the school's roof. He hext Raven.

Dexter: Meet me on the roof, I have something to tell you.

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