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The ocean could be an extremely dark and cold place

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The ocean could be an extremely dark and cold place. The pod that lived off the coast of La Push lived in a cavern in the depths. It wasn't a place that screamed out love and kindness. Emotions weren't very common among mermaids. In truth they were nothing like what Embry had believed them to be. They felt simple things such as sadness and anger, matching the darkness of the pods home.

The legends of merfolk were based on some truths after all. Humans weren't as kind in the dark days, so when threatened, the Merfolk would sing a song to lure the humans to the deep. Although as she spent more and more time with Embry, Thalia began to unlock feeling after feeling until she felt as if she were almost human.

Embry's admiration and kisses and the loyalty he shown towards her made Thalia feel like she was the luckiest guppy alive. In her many moons she had never felt such a sense of comfort. She didn't know what to call her feelings, she barely spoke human, let alone had the words to express how she felt towards Embry. Such words not existing in the Mermaid language.

Thalia was not shy of affection growing up, she was of course born but the mating system for Merfolk was a lot different. It lacked the politeness of courtship and was more formal - Marriages were arranged between pods to keep up lineage. Human love was not welcome among merfolk. Thalia was adored by her mother, she fed her and often protected her from the oceans monsters. Although looking back, Thalia could not compare any of her relationships to what she felt towards the boy who introduced Thalia to kissing.

Once they had shared their first kiss, Embry couldn't stop himself from repeating the act again and again. He thought of her often, surprised that he could keep it a secret from the pack for so long. He knew that he would have to reveal her at some point yet the bond they shared was something he wanted to keep just for them.


Embry could hear his name being called as he walked towards the beach to see Thalia before his patrol. He could sense Jacob behind him, huffing under his breath knowing this wasn't going to be an easy altercation. He glanced towards the rocks, spotting Thalia peaking out from behind. She must have seen Jacob before he had, by the way her face had scrunched up in confusion.

Embry swiftly turned to face the long haired Jacob Black as he felt a hand roughly grasp his arm. He could sense the heat emanating off Jacob, he was due to shift any day now.

"Do you really think that what you're doing is okay, Embry? You think one day you can just go from loathing the likes of Sam Uley to being apart of the cult," he asked gruffly, "I spoke to your mom, you know what she said? She's so worried, she says you've haven't been home in weeks"

Embry stayed silent, his eyes flickering between the angry male, the ocean and the forest. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place by the looks of it. Suddenly he was shoved back by Jacob.

"Answer me dammit!"

"There will come a day when you realise there more to life than friends and Bella Swan! You'll figure it out sooner rather than later Jacob," he spat back, shoving Jacob equally as hard.

"Well I think you need to check yourself before the only memories you have are of this god forsaken beach and Sam Uley," Jacob hissed, storming off in the opposite direction.

Embry watched the boy saunter away before walking towards the rocks, ready to see Thalia. Jacob mightn't have realised it, but this beach was one of best thing to happen to Embry Call.


Thalia worriedly stroked Embry's hair as he laid his head on her lap as they sat together on the rocks. She was angry at the loud human who had cut her time with Embry so short. He had seemed to pay no mind to the boy yet Thalia was frustrated.

"i...Em-bree..wh-" she couldn't seem to form the words, annoyed at her lack of speech.

Embry merely pressed his lips to hers, calming her down slightly. He decided to change the topic completely, not wanting to dwell on the idea of Jacob or the pack.

"Hey Tee? Can you leave the water," he asked shyly, he was slightly afraid of the answer.

She hummed, concentrating on the words he spoke trying to form an answer.

"Yes," she said matter of factly, not wanting to expand on the topic knowing how difficult the process was. She knew in theory it was possible, yet it was forbidden and the last person to have followed through with the act turned to sea foam centuries ago. She let herself think silently for a moment, knowing that for Embry - she would do anything to be with him.

Embry admired the pensive look on her face, he knew sooner rather than later he would have to tell Sam. Soon enough the girl would need to be introduced to the pack and in the long run. He knew it would be a lot easier to explain where he had been running off too if she was on the land rather than in the water. 

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