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I draw a little cobweb in the corner of the page.

Some people like the sunshine,

But I prefer the rain.

I hide a darkness in my soul,

One so cruel and vain.

The demon inside has never borne a name.

I must carry my own burden,

The product of my pain,

A part of my shame.

The angry words inside have been killing me,



Until I don't recognize the girl in the mirror,

Her gray eyes wild and haunted,

Hair unkempt,

Lips in a grim line.

Though I see her everyday,

A word has never passed between us,

I was taught not to talk to strangers.

She is a stranger.

Sometimes if I stare hard enough I can see a

ghost of a person that she used to be.

Behind those eyes I see a naive, smiling girl.

Always happy, helpful, and nice.

That girl seems familiar and how I wish that I could see her again,

Smiling in my mirror,

Greeting me each morning with her bright eyes.

She is gone,



In mourning for my lost friend,

I will just keep drawing a cobweb in the corner of my page,

But the monster in the mirror will forever stay enraged.


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