Will this be the end?

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*Amber's P.O.V*

My eyes got really swollen after crying. I am living alone in an apartment in Doncaster in England, No one to take care of me, I haven't got any friends in College. ..yes....I just started college in Doncaster college of achievement (Dont know much about England, sorry). I really miss my family in New York.

I was thinking.......should I.....end my life here? where no one could ever know where I am. Finally, after hours of thinking, I took a bus ride to London, where I can end my life by jumping off the London bridge.


It was afternoon, the London bridge was busy with cars, I finally found a spot that's suitable for me. After some final deep breaths, I was ready to jump, one leg over the rail, the other was over now. At this time I was sitting on the rail. I was standing up, ready to jump.

Just then, I heard a shout, saying : " Don't jump!!!" I look back, there a familiar face stood there................

Sorry for the short chapter, I just started creating stories and writing them.


Read on :)

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