She Accepted Me!!

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Chaps # 7 (^ω^)

Sheila's P.O.V.

Oh. I'll Checkout my Facebook

... I get My Laptop And Start browsing facebook. Oh? Here's The Request. I'll just accept it..

Eventhough I hate him so much.. I think we will be friends if I accept his Friend Request..

So.. I'll accept it.. haha!

Nathan's P.O.V.

"Oh? She accepted me! Yay! I'll Chat her!! She's Online Yea."...

I started the Conversation

Me; Hi Sheila! Thanks For accepting my request!

Sheila; Sure,It's Alright..

Me;Can I ask you something?

Sheila; Yup! Whats the Topic?

Me;Oh.. Never Mind Sorry. It's Wrong Send.

Sheila; Err.. Okay! Yay! I gotta go Bye Bye! Good Night! * mwah*

Me; GoodNight! ;*

Oh God? She says *mwah*? err.. Stop! Stop! haha.... I'm Falling in love on her too much ..

Back to Sheila's P.O.V.

What did he want to ask on me?? And why did he says never mind? Is he hiding something on me?? Duh?? What is it? And aww! Why I'm so Curious on him? Duh.. He's just nothing ! right? a Bully.. ! Bullier . Tsk..

*Phone's Message Tone Rings*

Someone message me..

I get My phone.

Oh? It's Nathan.. We're just online earlier.. Then.. He text me? after the Chat? O com'on

I read the message.

From:Nathan //..//

Hello! Can we get out tomorrow after school? In the park only or you wanna go out and go to mall??

To: Nathan //..//

Wait! I'll get my schedule calendar.. ... Hey! Em Free tomorrow! But I don't like to go in the mall . Well on the park. ok? 2:00 pm .. Haha. Goodnight.. !

From: Nathan //..//

Thank you! I'll See you tomorrow Shells. GoodNight!

*End Of Conversation*

Hey? He call me Shells?  I don't like this nickname! I'll tell it to him Tomorrow..


Hahaist! The 7th Chapter ended! wait For the 8th! ok?? hahaha!

~Kyle Credo ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ

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