With Nothing In Between (Narry)

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A/N: Last one guys :)



Harry looks so fuck-able in his Miley Cyrus costume. That's pretty much the whole story.


This is it. Take Me Home World Tour is officially over and the only thing left is the after party.

When Niall first learnt that their last tour date is going to be a couple days after Halloween, he was thrilled. It meant that the after party was going to absolutely aces. On top of that, it was going to be in Japan.

Niall was a bit annoyed when Harry wouldn't tell him what he was dressing up as. He even tried asking Lou (Teasdale) but she was too good at keeping secrets.

And when Niall first saw Harry's costume tonight, he thought he was going to have a heart attack.

There he was, standing in his half-naked glory dressed in tight orange short shorts with his major nipples covered up under the black tapes, the tapes each forming an X. His curly hair was done up in two small round bundles atop his head and of course he was had a giant foam finger. Needless to say, Niall was so close to fucking Harry right there and then in the middle of the club.

Hours have gone by and Niall honestly cannot remember how much he has had to drink. He has stopped counting after an hour, or so he can only guess. And he can vaguely remember spotting Harry with Lou whilst posing like he was Miley Cyrus, his foam finger poised in front of his crotch coyly.

Niall subconsciously hooks his thumbs in the pockets of his studded shorts. The damn shorts seemed like a brilliant idea before he tried to sit. Apparently studded shorts are not the best for sitting, who'd have guessed it? What he really wants to do right now is take of his shorts so that he can sit down somewhere-anywhere-without squirming like his arse is on fire. . . which wouldn't be that big of an exaggeration.

A grin curls Niall's lips upwards as he spots Harry stumbling his way through a crowd of people. Niall knows that Harry is as pissed as he, if not more. For as long as they've been together, they have never had sex whilst drunk. No, they love each other too much for that. Or so Niall thought until tonight, anyways. Harry is practically asking for Niall to come ruin him in that skimpy costume of his. A surge of heat travels down Niall's spine and it settles in his groin. (His dick may or may not have twitched.)

Without a second thought, Niall strides towards an unsuspecting Harry. Harry was about to talk to a random partygoer when Niall literally grabs for his hand and tugs him away from everyone. When Niall spares a quick glance backwards, he instantly regrets it. Harry's green eyes are glazed over with alcohol but the lust in them is still crystal-clear in the way they rake up and down Niall's frame. Niall breathes out a string of curses and quickens his pace; he's now desperate to find the toilets. When he does spot it, he all but sprints towards the door with Harry in tow.

As soon as both Niall and Harry are inside the bathroom, he does a cursory check of the stalls. Luckily, they are the only ones in here right now. He turns to lock the door only to see that Harry has beat him to it.

"Smart," he comments hoarsely right before he smashes his lips to Harry's. That's literally what happens: a crash between two pairs of lips. The way Niall is moving his Harry's lips has no finesse to it, hunger and lust the only drive behind their movement. Harry seems to enjoy it as he moans long and loudly. Niall takes the chance to push his tongue past Harry's lips. While he works on licking the taste of alcohol out of the inside of Harry's mouth, he trails his hands down Harry's naked chest. Harry lets out a muffled groan and that gives Niall an idea.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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