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(I'm eating pie so that's why title is pie)

I was tagged by Queen_nuimnim

You must do the tag
Answer the questions I provide to you
Put down questions for others to ask
Tag 13 people

1. What band/singer do you want to see in concert? Band: 5sos. Singer: Shawn Mendes

2. If you could visit one country in the world, where would you go and why? I would love to go to England? I think I honestly don't know. I have like 5 places I really want to go so I don't know what to choose (also my brain is forgetting what country means so yeah... Don't I just love forgetfulness?)

3. Do you like anime? If so list a few of your favourites. Yes I like anime but I haven't seen a lot of anime sooooooo that's the only problem

4. Would you prefer wearing a SnapBack or flower crown? It all depends on how a feel that day. I own both items

5. Cat ears or bandana? Cat ears

6. Converse or vans? Converse all the way!

7. What's your zodiac sign? Scorpio

8. Cats or Dogs? Or both? Meow

9. What's your favourite song at the current moment? Disconnected!

10. Would you prefer plain water over soda? Or visa versa? Water?

11. How are you? I'm good. Kinda tired

12. Why did you start writing? Because I love writing and thought I might as well use it for something enjoyable. Also it's a good way to work more on my writing skills for school

13. What's a good coping mechanism for you? (Example: colouring the corner of pages) if I'm feeling nauseous or am in a lot of pain I'll listen to music to get my mind off of it. But a lot a times doodling helps too.

My questions for you!
1. Favourite colour?
2. If you had the choice to dye your hair, what colour would you dye it?
3. TV shows or movies?
4. Pie or cake?
5. Name of your favourite stuffed animal?
6. Favourite animal?
7. Do you like your stories that you have written? Or if you haven't written any do you like any of the ideas you've had for stories?
8. Favourite place you've been to
9. The destination you want to go to before you die?
10. Coke or Pepsi?
11. Are you someone who gets cold easily or hot easily?
12. Markers or pencils?
13. Favourite story here on wattpad (or top three favourites if you can't choose)

I tag

I tagged people who I consider friends and also who I think might possibly do this tag? I'm not sure. Some of the people I tagged were just because I like their usernames sooooo

love you guys!

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