chapter 7

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They got to the cabin an hour later and Derek drove up the driveway. He parked the car and got out with Stiles. They took the kids out of their car seats. They grabbed the bags. Derek unlocked the door and the kids ran in. They sighed and walked in with the bags. Derek said, "Your rooms are over there and ours is over there. Here, take your bags to your rooms. I had Peter refurbish the cabin for you guys." The kids took their bags and ran to their rooms. Derek said, "I'll take our bags to our room. You settle down. This is our time with the kids." Stiles nodded. Derek went to their room. He came out of their room and sat on the couch beside Stiles. Derek said, "The kids are playing with their toys that Peter got them."

Stiles said, "I'll make lunch."

Derek said, "I'll help you."

They got to the kitchen and looked in the cupboards. They saw them stacked with food. Stiles said, "Peter must've stocked the place with food too." Derek laughed.

Derek said, "Let's make mac and cheese. The kids love it." Stiles nodded and they started making mac and cheese.

20 minutes later, Stiles yelled "Lunch." The boys came running out. Stiles put their bowls on the table. They boys sat down and ate. Stiles and Derek sat at the table and ate. Stiles said, "After lunch, you 2 are going to have a bath. You smell like dirt. Wait, why is there dirt on you?"

Alexander said, "After dad left my room, we jumped out our windows and played in the dirt." Stiles sighed.

Derek said, "You 2 can go outside after lunch and play. You can have baths after dinner before you go to bed." Their sons nodded and whimpered. They finished their lunch and ran outside. Derek felt them shift and laugh. Derek said, "They shifted to their full wolves to play. They may need to have a bath as soon as they come in." Stiles laughed.

Stiles said, "The cabin is soundproof right?" Derek nodded. Stiles said, "I know something that we can do while they are playing. They'll howl if they are in trouble or if one of them gets hurt." Derek grabbed Stiles' hand and led him to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, they got undressed. They got on the bed and had some fun sexy times.

Outside, the kids were playing in the mud and they jumped on each other. They played and nipped at each other. They sniffed each other and laughed. Nico said, "Alex, let's jump in some trees. Our dads can hear us playing. They are both alphas with better hearing than us and betas." Alex nodded and they played in the trees.

30 minutes later in the bedroom, Derek and Stiles were done their sexy times. They were laying on the bed and they heard their kids playing in the trees and on the ground in the mud. Derek said, "They are having so much fun. I'm glad I taught them to jump in the trees. You taught them to play in the mud and make mud pies." Stiles laughed and put his head on Derek's chest. Derek said, "We should probably shower or the kids will smell the sex. I'll go first and you can go second." Derek showered and came out with sweats on. Stiles showered and came out with sweats on. Derek said, "I'm glad that I thought about this vacation away from the pack. Peter, Malia, Liam, and I could tell that you were getting angry and mad at everyone. Peter suggested that I take you and the boys here for time away from the pack and pack problems. Peter will be in charge with Scott and he will make sure that they don't get in any trouble with anyone. We needed this. The boys too. We've been near the pack literally everyday and it was also driving me crazy. Let's go and watch some tv."

They got to the living room and Stiles sat on the couch. Derek put a movie in and sat down beside Stiles. Stiles got up and sat on Derek's lap. He leaned into Derek's chest and Derek put his arms around Stiles. Stiles put his head on Derek's shoulder and Derek kissed his hair. They watched the movie. Stiles said, "This is going to be fun."

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