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I am trapped within the walls I create for myself. These walls, my surroundings helped me build. These barriers are the ones I am told are moral. Things that my brain associates with rights and wrongs. But the same restriction that makes my skin crawl at the thought of my 'sins'. The same restrictions that make me feel sick whenever someone walks behind me.

Then are they wrong? Or is it an illusion my brain painted over my eyes to tell me to beware. These sins are based off of someone's perspective. So, a wrong to one could be fine to another. But if that is the case then all is wrong, and all is right.

   Substances are bad to many religion, but it is the same thing that gives manny their freedom. The freedom to find out what they believe is right and wrong. What their mind says is acceptable and isn't. This freedom allows people to hear shapes and sing paintings. Allows arts and shadows. Like a song that can make you cry, but is silent to others. Something that is beautiful, but lethal in many ways.

How can freedom be deadly?    Fear.

A fear that one may have; they cannot hear the song. Therefore their brain reacts by saying the song is unnatural. Because they are afraid of others having knowledge they do not. Fear.

A fear that one may have; that whatever shape they hear, is wrong because they hear something different than someone else.Or someone else's shape is wrong, because self doubt is silly.  It's wrong because they long to feel unified. If someone is different they are a danger. To what? To the picture that a person has painted, to that person's perspective.

A fear that one may have; everyone can hear the song. But if everyone can, everyone follows the same hour- day- week- month- year- life. The same order means everyone is a replica of the other. Every great grandmother that has passed away was them. Every birth was them. And every wrongdoing was also them. The overwhelming realization that you are the same person as the one that gave birth to you drives them mad. The thought that they are capable of so much, yet incapable of anything drives them mad. But being mad would bean they are different, and the chain has ended. Or, it hasn't. And they are reliving the same torture for no reason. Fear.

We are trapped within the walls we created for ourselves. These walls, our surroundings helped us build. These barriers are the ones we are told are moral. Things that our brains associate with right and wrong. But these walls are a repetitive cycle of torment. Yet, we keep going through it, because we are afraid of freedom.

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