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"Hmm, Zaid" David mumbled as he felt his boyfriends scruff scrape against his collarbone as he pressed kisses along David's jaw and neck. They were currently laid out across David's bed, physics books lay forgotten as they abandoned their studies to do much more interesting things.

"So fucking hot" Zaid groaned, his boyfriends moans and whimpers turning him on even more than he already was. Zaid then bit down harshly at the base of David's neck making the smaller boy gasp out in surprise

"No marks" David panted "parents might see" Zaid growled, ignoring his boyfriend as he continued to suck on the skin until it was turning a deep purple color. David was barely able to pay attention to his boyfriends actions to caught up in the pleasure to notice but when he did he was quick to push Zaid off of him and stumble towards his mirror to examine this bite mark.

"Zaid, you idiot" David hissed, turning to glare at his boyfriend who sat innocently at the foot of his bed.

"What?" David gritted his teeth together

"Did you just say what? I told you no marks but look at what's on my neck. My parents are going to notice!" David yelled, Zaid sighed coming over to wrap his arms around David's waist, pulling him flush against his chest before resting his chin on top of David's head.

"So what. They'll probably think it's that girl they think you're fucking, what's her name Mandy....Marissa?" David twisted out of his boyfriends hold

"Madison, if you must know and..." David sighed "you're right, I'm sorry for over reacting I'm just nervous that they'll find out"

"Babe, they have the right to now. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?" Zaid questioned

"They throw a fit, kick me out of the house and cut off all contact with me, leaving me to fend for myself" David stated dryly causing Zaid to roll his eyes at his boyfriend

"You're being dramatic and besides if they ever kick you out, you know you could come and live with me" it was true. David could do that considering that Zaid had just turned 18 six months ago and moved out of his parents house and into an apartment just a couple blocks from where David was living.

David looked over at Zaid and leaned in, pressing their lips together in a soft, loving kiss.

"You're the best" David mumbled in between kisses as Zaid hummed against their lips, pushing David so that he was laying on his back, Zaid straddling his hips as they deepened the kiss--

"David! Honey? Are you home?!" David ripped his lips away from Zaid's in horror because his mom was home, his mom was home.

"What's she doing here?" David whispered to Zaid who was hurrying up to pack all his belongings in his bag before slinging it over his shoulder, making his way towards the window and throwing one leg out the window. He gave David one last kiss and a shrug before he expertly jumped out the window, sprinting towards the sidewalk and continued down until he rounded the corner to head back over to his house.

"David?" He whipped around as his mother poking her head into his room, a frown etched onto her face "what's wrong, I've been calling your name and you didn't answer me, did you and Tara break up?" David scoffed

"No, I guess I didn't hear you, I was listening to music while doing my homework, I'm sorry" he apologized. His mother nodded

"Come on, help me make dinner" David wanted to groan because he hated having to cook because his mother would always criticize everything he was doing but he held it in and nodded his head, head bowed slightly as he followed his mother into the kitchen.

His phone buzzed while his mom was fetching the ingredients they needed for today's dinner.

I love you, babe. I'll call you tonight when your parents are asleep.

Ps. Leave your window open. :) xx


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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