The begining

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Above is two necklaces that will be mentioned in this and the next chapter (only 3 chapter book) and in the next chapter at the top is the narrator's wolf and what the wolf looks like.
This is a bit of a far cry from what I normally write, but oh well. This story is for True_lies13 's TAYM contest. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy! ~ Ty B.

It all started with a little girl.
A young orphan girl, all scratched up and standing in the middle of the woods sniffled. Her pack mates and members were killed all killed. She was the sole survivor. It had been a great pack. Unknown, but powerful.
Her name was Amari.
The only possessions she had was a necklace with a howling wolf and a blue moon. A voice had whispered in her ear. That was how she got onto the territory of the GreyCrescent. The setting sun didn't offer much light for the terrified young girl. Her arms wrapped around herself as she listened to the bubble of the stream. Slowly she sat down, but not long after she heard two voices.
     "Shhh! Nicole I think there's someone here." A young boy's voice came to her.
     "Clayton look!"a girl's voice followed.
It was then Amari found herself face to face with two young siblings. Both had dark hair. They both looked at the lighter auburn haired, and golden Amber eyed stranger. The girl, Nicole crouched down.
     "Hi-" she was cut off as a man who looked like them pushed both kids away.
     "Nicole, Clayton. Go back to the pack house."
     "Go!" The man demanded as the Beta approached the Alpha.
     "Ok dad." Nicole lowered her head before she and her brother left.
     When the Alpha's kids were gone, he turned to the little girl who looked up at him without fear. "Where is your pack? Or, what happened to them?"
Amari didn't answer, but she knew. She had seen it. And it was something she'd never forget. The Alpha sighed as his mate mind linked him, and he told her about the little girl. Surely someone was looking for her, but meanwhile she could make friends with Clayton and Nicole. She could only be a few years older than Clayton.

And so that was what the Alpha did. He carried the young girl to his pack house and to the pack Doctor. He called around to almost every other pack asking if they themselves or knew of any packs looking for a little girl. But he didn't make as much progress as he would have liked without the girl's name. Only a description.
Several days passed. Days turned to weeks, and nothing still. But the little girl had seemed to warm up to the pack along with the future Alpha and his sister. It would be the fourth week she had been with the pack, she would finally reveal her name. But it would be years before she could talk about her pack. Nothing had turned up. No one had been looking for the girl, and the Alpha couldn't even tell what pack she was from.
Months passed, and then to a year. The Alpha watched as Amari became like a sister to Clayton and Nicole. She was there for the two when their mother, his mate went missing and was never found. He dreaded the day he would have to separate the three. Clay, Nic, and Ari seemed to be their own version of the three musketeers. It would be hard to take one of them away from that equation. But to everyone's astonishment, that day never came.

But eventually, the day did come where Amari was able to tell the Alpha what exactly happened to the pack.
     It had started because her father was a gracious Alpha. He let a badly wounded pack less wolf stay until healed. Unfortunately the wolf hadn't been pack less. It belonged to a small pack, and a very malicious one at that. Soon several more 'wounded' wolves showed up. Right along with the rest of it. The pack had been caught off guard as rouges joined the attack. Amari's father found his only surviving child and took her far away.
He kept running, making sure to cover his sent. But his own wounds slowed him down. He took his daughter from off his back.
     "Amari, you must go. Run! And never look back. Go Amari, run!" And then he stopped moving.
     "Daddy?" The little girl shook her father's limp body. "Daddy!"

Amari's golden Amber eyes met with the Alpha as he sat behind his desk. She had relived the whole event in his office. Her eyes lowered to the floor again. Then, a hand found it's way onto her shoulder. Amari looked to see the Alpha standing next to her chair.
     "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
Months swiftly turned the pages in Amari's friendship with young Clayton and Nicole. The Alpha died, not having his mate had killed him. Along with her seeming just like family. And before she knew it, it was her sixteenth birthday. Clayton and Nicole's birthdays had been before her's, but she was three years older then Clayton. It was the dead of winter, but the snow coming from the sky was just starting to stick to the ground. 

Amari was outside, just waiting to shift. Clayton had taken a walk through the woods for some fresh air, when Ari sensed something was wrong. In a small fit of anger a wave of pain and dizziness  took over her as her bones reformed. Smell and sounds alike became stronger and more acute. The next thing she knew, her wolf Azul told her her Alpha was in danger. Amari ran fast and got to Clayton as a light brown wolf growled at him. She jumped between the stranger and future Alpha. An intimidating growl made its way from her throat. Clayton and the stranger stared at Amari's wolf. Her fur was almost a navy blue color with white hairs mixed in, almost making her a midnight blue. The white on her chest made a crescent moon type marking. Her eyes stayed the same golden Amber. Amari took that chance to pin the stranger under her.
     'Who are you and state your buisness.' She growled in a mind link.
     ' my name is Barron. And that kid is real close to stepping into new territory.' Barron responded. 'My wolf is very attracted to you.'
     'For starters, I could rip your head off here and now for saying that and be okay, because you are on GreyCressant pack territory. And that kid is a future Alpha.' An amazing scent filled Amari's nose, but she refused to pay mind to it.
     'I am an-' but Amari cut Barron off by pushing him onto the other pack's territory.
     'I don't care. Just get out and stay out.' And with that Amari started pushing Clayton to the pack house.

Once Amari shifted back, and was changed, she found Clayton later that evening.
     "Your wolf is awesome Ari!" Clayton told.
     "And you owe me Clay."  
     "It was almost a midnight blue color and.... Wait, what?"
     "Clayton, my first shift was suppose to be a little more special that it turned out to be. Me having to get your ass out of trouble. Like always."
     "I could have handled it." Clayton's attempts were normally cute in Amari's eyes. She was convinced he had a crush on her. But not this time.
     "That... Whatever he was, could have killed you. Didn't you notice you were two steps from being in another pack's territory?"
     They were interrupted by the Beta, Damon. "An Alpha that had been visiting one of our neighboring pack's will be here tomorrow.
     "Alright." Both Clayton and Ari snapped, wanting to continue their own conversation. And the Beta let the two be.
     "Will a pact or something make you happy?" Clayton asked.
     "Actually yes."
The going to be Alpha sighed. "Alright. Alright." He took a moment to contemplate. "Why don't we call it Midnight Blue? It'll be like a promise I will repay you for all you've done."
Amari groaned. "Do you know how stupid that-" she saw Clayton's hopeful expression. "I guess we'll be the only two who know it. It'll be like an inside joke."
And with that, the pact had been made.

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