A Legend

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Cole, after getting dirty again was inside getting a bath before supper. Uncle Clayton would be in his office until late. But Blue wanted to finish the snowman.
As she put the finishing touches on the man of snow I couldn't help but think of the conversation I had with Uncle Clay.
I hesitated as I knocked on Uncle Clayton's office door.
     "Come in."
     One I was inside I closed the door behind me. "Uh, Uncle Clay. Can you help me with something?"
     He set down the papers, giving me his full attention as I sat. "It matters what it is, but, let's here it."
     "I want to look for my mom." I blurted, catching my uncle off guard.
     "Chance.." He trailed off.
     "Before you say no. I just wanted to see her. It's been eight years, and half that pack has been killed or imprisoned." I stood, knowing his answer and walking to the door. Opening it slightly I looked back. "I just want my mother. For things to be like they use to. But I guess that's too much to ask." With that I let my uncle be.

I snapped out of it right as someone took ahold of Blue.
     "Hey!" I shouted before taking off after them.
Whoever they were they ran fast with Blue squirming in their arms or in the snow. They went past our boarders but I kept on going. Tackling them, he let Blue go.
     "Run!" I yelled before shifting. I growled at the man as he shifted and three more wolves came from everywhere and Blue ran back home.
     'Alpha Clayton. Blue was taken by some group. She should be on her way back now.' I mind linked.
     'She what! Where are you?' He answered.
     'Past the-' I was cut off by one of them pinning me to the ground where there was a thin layer of snow. Mud mixed into my fur, hiding the crescent moon on my left shoulder.
'Ok kid. Enough chit chat with your boss.' The one pinning me growled. I growled back louder, throwing him off me. They all glared at me, inching their way forward before their eyes went wide. Before I knew it they spun around and ran as quickly as they could with their tails between their legs. I just stood there surprised I was able to do that. Then I remembered they had looked behind me. Doing that very thing I saw through the moonlight a wolf twice my size and dark dusty brown. His green eyes looked at me as I knew the best thing to do was run. As I high tailed it away from the strange wolf I made the poor decision to look behind me, only to find him following.
'Chance. Blue got home safe, now where are you?' Uncle clay asked.
'I don't know. I'm running..' Uncle Clay tried to respond but the link went fuzzy.

My feet kept hitting the ground. I had no clue where to go. Suddenly as I was running someone grabbed the scruff of my neck and turned me in a new direction.
'Keep running pup.' They ordered me.
I didn't need to be told twice. A wolf much bigger than me and a black color ran alongside me along the white earth. My heart was pounding when we came to an abandoned pack house. Our breaths came out in little white puffs. I stopped and stared at it. It was all too familiar. Looking over I found a set of brown eyes looking down at me.
'Um... Thank you.'
'There are clothes inside. Get changed whenever now or in the morning. But get some sleep kid.' And he walked away.
Shaking off a feeling I was getting I decided to sleep outside.

As I woke up I could smell familiar scents.
Dad! Carter!
Within seconds I was on my feet trying to find them.
     'Whoever it is your looking for. They aren't here.' The black wolf told. He sat under a trimmed pine tree.
     'It's nothing. Just smelling ghosts.' I paused and looked at him. 'If you don't mind me asking, but what is your name sir?'
     He stood and walked toward me a bit. 'Cody. And you?'
     'Ch-' I cut myself off. 'Courage. Are you part of a secret pack or something?'
     'No. It's not supposed to be a pack. But it is a secret. I do need to be getting back. Same as you pup.'
     'Can I come with?' I blurted.
     'No.' Cody shot me down.
     'I'm looking for someone. And I won't go back until I find them.' Not to mention I had no clue on how to get back. This caused Cody to pause.
     'Who are you looking for?'
     'If you think I'm gonna take you on a damn joyride then you have another thing comin kid.' Cody snapped. And started to walk away.
     'My mother.' He stopped. 'I haven't seen my mother in eight years, and I'm starting to forget what she looks like.'
     Cody looked over his shoulder. 'Great sob story kid. Now beat it.' I growled softly and caught up to him.
     'I don't care if you approve. I'll just follow you.'
     'You don't know how to get home do you?' Cody looked at me as we continued walking.
     'No clue.'

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