Prince in the woods! Tsukkishima Kei x reader

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Tsukki POV

I opened my eyes, staring up at the blurry ceiling. I laid there for a while till I got the motivation to get up. I sighed and swung my feet over the edge of the bed, sitting there for a while, hunched over, staring at the ground. Finally falling out of my trance, I turned towards my dresser, reaching for my glasses. As I placed them on, my attention focused on something moving outside. I squinted my eyes, trying to figure out who it is.

"Where the hell is she going?" I mumbled to myself as I watched (y/n), my neighbor walk into the wooded area behind our houses. I watched her for as long I could see and eventually she was gone.

Around the same time everyday, I watched her go into the forest, and come back home around sun set. She always carried a drawstring bag with her. I wonder what's in it. It's been a week. What's in the forest that she keeps going to?

The next day I followed her, from a distance so that I wouldn't get caught. I walked when she walked, careful not to make too much noise. We walked for about ten minutes before she sat down  on a huge, smooth Boulder. I watched from my hiding place, as she huffed and stared out into the forest, facing away from me. It looks as if she's expecting something. Half an hour passed and I started to get bored. My attention refocused once she moved. She rummaged through her bag and pulled out a book. She opened it and started to read. After about ten minutes I revealed myself.

"So this is how you spend your summer vacation?"
She quickly turned around. I startled her.
"(L/n)-chan." I nodded at her.
"What are you doing out here?" I questioned.
"Waiting." She answers simply.
"For what?"
"A prince." She smiled.

"A what?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"A prince." She repeated, with a serious face. I continued to look at her confused. She huffed as if she was aggravated.
"In Disney movies, princes usually show up in the forests. Or balls, but there isn't one that I know of so I'm here." She explained herself.
"Disney movies?" I questioned.
"You know like sleeping beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the beast. Well that's kinda in a forest. He lived in a castle but it was in the woods, so that counts right?." She rambled on and I stopped listening. Is she serious? I look back at her to see that she's still talking. Her face was lit up. I can tell it's something she really loves.
"And then Tangled with rupunzel. Then Ariel and Eric, but that's on a beach. Though it's still outside in nature and I don't live near a beach! I also don't have a tail." She pouted as she stared down at her shoeless feet. I looked down to see her sandals on the ground. I took the opportunity while she stopped talking.
"You do realize that stuff like that only happens in movies, right?"
She looked at me. Her eyes flashed with hurt, only for a second though. I could've just imagined it.
"It could happen. Any thing is possible." She stated, grinning with confidence.

I stood there for a while. Neither of us breaking eye contact. I tried reading her, to see if she was serious. As far as I could tell, she was.
"Well goodluck finding your prince." I said as I started to walk away.
"Thanks." I could hear her say in a small voice. I walked a distance away before turning back to look at her. She was staring off again. What a strange girl I thought to myself. I walked home. Later that evening I watched her as she came home.

Over the next few days, I watched as she left and came back. I decided to look up one of the movies she mentioned and watch it.
"What is this crap?" I mumbled, critiquing everything. I found myself watching more of the movies throughout the week, waiting for her to come back home.
I was in the middle of Tangled, when I heard a low rumbling. I looked outside to see gray clouds reigning the sky.
"She should be coming home soon." I mumbled to myself as I continued my movie, constantly checking outside to see her come back. It started to drizzle, which quickly turned to a shower. At this point I wasn't watching the movie, I was staring at the spot where she usually comes back through to her backyard.
"Where are you?" I asked. The rain started to pick up. I slipped on a jacket and headed downstairs. I checked out the window again, expecting her to be there. Maybe I didn't see her come back? I was debating in my head and finally made up my mind as it turned into a downpour. I opened the back door and headed outside with my umbrella. It wouldn't hurt to check, right?

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