Chapter Seventeen: Past Ex

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"Uh can you repeat your last name for me again?" I asked him rolling my eyes as Trè stood there with an 'oh shit!' look on his face.

I haven't seen the male who helped create me in the last two or three years now. To find out I might have a brother from his side of the family is kind of funny.

The same man that wasn't ready for a child or being held down by family went out and made another.

Was I not enough? I mean I lean towards the childish side in persona but that's just apart of who I am. It's my family.


"He meant full name." I sent a thank you look Trè's way.

"Kenneth Lander." He answered.

I shook my head and bit my lip.

"Walk with me." I gestured to him as he carried the little boy who could possibly be my nephew. "That means you too Trè." I snapped. He hurridly came over and snatched the trolly from me and made his way to the cashier.

I looked at my 'brother' and his hands were bare of any sorts of groccery or items.

"You ain't buying anything?" I asked him once we reached. We passed numerous food isles and he glanced at them fascinatingly but made no move to get them.

He froze feigning shock for a while like he just remembered something and chuckled.

"Oh why yes of course. But you told me to follow you remember?" I shrugged really not caring and grabbed Oliver as he held out his arms to me.

I heard Trè gasp loudly and I turned to see what he was looking at as the cashier guy sniggered.

"I swear this is his trolly youte." Trè pointed to me. The cashier shrugged not even hiding his amusement as he held up GG's adult pampers scanning it.

"I'm sorry there isn't a price tag on it." I turned and glared at Trè as he guiltly shoved his hand in his pocket with the rolled up destroyed price tag on his finger.

"It was $11.50 I think." I whispered to the cashier.

He gave me an apologetic look and clicked on the speaker.

I sighed and took the cap off of my head and ran it through my curls knowing what he was about to do.

"I'm sorry but it's protocol."

"What's protocol?" Trè whispered leaning back into me.

"Watch." I said as Oliver started playing in my hair.

"We need a price check in cashier isle three please, a price check in cashier isle three for adult pampers size four-"

"Five." I corrected him.

"My apologies- size five." Trè stood there with his mouth agape astonished while Kenneth behind me was beat red from trying to conceal his laughter.

"It ain't that serious yo." I mumbled blushing myself adjusting my cap back on.

After we finally got through with all we had to do we grabbed the bags and headed to GG's as Kenneth and Oliver followed in their own car.

GG was waiting by the door on the porch for us as she gazed curiously at Kenneth car that pulled up behind mine.

"Who's he?" She asked as I was about to walk past her.

"My supposedly brother." I replied kissing her cheek.

"Hey ma." Trè said as he attempted to kiss his cheek.

"Don't kiss me boy. Y'all got my grapes?" She narrowed her eyes at us.

"Yeesss." Trè groaned pouting "Can I have my kiss now?" GG leaned into him.

"And my diapers?" She tried to ask on the dlow.


"Good." She kissed him.

"How are you young man?" GG turned to Kenneth "And who's this cutie?"

"I'm fine thank you. And this is my son Oliver."


The look on her face was priceless.

"I may be old but my mind works perfectly fine, so does my memory. Y'all come inside." She opened the door and took the grocceries from our hands. "Ethan bring your ass down here!" She shouted.

A few minutes later Ethan bounded down the stairs with Easton behind him and came to the living room frowning but smiled when he saw Kenneth and Oliver.

I swear Easton and Ethan are acting like a younger version of me and Trè before we started dating.

Let me find out.

"Explain." She pointed to Kenneth "Because I could've sworn that this is the same 'Kenneth' you snuck out the backyard to see a couple days ago."

I thought the look grandma gave Kenneth was priceless. But the glare Easton's sending Ethan brung me pure joy.


"Grandma I'm appalled at you intuition of me." Ethan gasped pressing his hand to his chest.

Easton was just standing behind him confused and I have half the nerve to chuck something at his ostrich looking ass.

"Insinuation ass." I smirked as he glared at me. He's the who recently just graduated college.

"No baby?" Oliver asked. We all put our attention on him as he rubbed the side of Kenneth's face in an up and down motion.

"I though I'd prepare Mercy for all the sh-stuff that's about to happen."

"What's about to happen?" I asked curiously. Easton shoved Ethan but Ethan smile widened as he took a further step away from him.

"Khali's coming."

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