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Three days had come and gone and Harry was at his breaking point. It had been three entire days without talking to Louis.

He missed seeing the boy's sunshine smile in the morning and hearing his sweet voice. He missed getting lost in Louis' ocean blue eyes while they laughed about the silliest things.

The youngest boy wanted nothing more than to throw his arms up in surrender and fall back into Louis' embrace. Back into the stunt, into their set-up dates, and into the world where Louis was his.

Although he craved the boy's affection, Harry knew the longer he allowed himself to stay asleep, cozy in Simon's creation, the harder it would be to let go when it all came  unavoidably crashing down.

Harry needed to wake up.

Because if Harry stayed comfortably in his dreamland, he might accept Louis' proposal tonight with a heart full of love. How exhilarating it would feel as Louis slid the sparkling band onto his ring finger.

How happy Harry would be knowing that Louis was going to be his forever.

The curly haired boy knew he couldn't allow himself to fall further in love with Louis. It was time to take a step back to protect his own heart.

Tonight his best friend would propose to him, in front of thousands of fans, and Harry would force himself to acknowledge the falseness of Louis' smile.

He would accept the ring knowing fully that no true commitment was attached. This was the only way that Harry could continue the stunt.

As much as he wished it were real, he was finally accepting that it was not. It took six months and a diamond ring for him to wake up.


In another room down the hall, Louis was falling apart. Three days without Harry felt like three years. How was it possible for everything to go so horribly wrong so fast? Louis wished he knew.

A few days ago he was ready to tell Harry how head over heels in love with him he was, but now Louis wasn't even sure Harry wanted to be his friend anymore.

It must be karma, Louis thought. This is what he had done to Harry in the past. It was only fair for him to get the same treatment now.

Until now, Louis hadn't truly realized how much pain he put Harry through by ignoring him. Now he understood. It was isolating, confusing, and miserable.

But he deserved it, that's what Louis thought anyways. His heart pounded uncomfortably. Was there anyway to get through to Harry or were they always destined to be strangers? Louis hoped it wasn't the latter.


"Come on boys, it's time for sound check! The limo's here," Liam yelled down the hallway.

All four boys made their way to the lounge. Louis watched Harry longingly as he gathered his things for the concert.

"Harry, Louis, before we leave you both need to see this," Niall pulled the photograph from his pocket.

It was a last ditch effort to see if Louis might give Niall some sort of sign, a sign that could confirm everything Niall was thinking, one that screamed "I'm in love".

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