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I was sitting in class one day. In the back where the vapid kids silk throwing paper balls and passing notes and me being simple couldn't focus on the lesson at hand.

Almost everyday i went i couldn't focus on the task at hand because i was to busy hearing the same ignorance that surrounds the world, surround my class room.

A class room full of 14, 15 and 16 years old.

I sat by a short pale girl named Carly and a long brown boy named Jordan and every day like clock work, like they didn't need sleep they laughed louder and talked louder.

I was sitting in class one day and I hear Jordan all deep voiced and big nosed say,'' t-tell me how to be black.''

Now, everyone who was listening knew that he was kidding. He knew that little skinny white girl didn't know how, but Carly loving a challenge proceeds and she starts to clap her hands causing and seen.

She starts to smack her lips and I know she knows she's about to say something doltish that was going to offend me I was in intrigued on what this white girl could say.

But i was more irritated i said it without hesitation,''how does someone who is not black show how to be black.''

And they shut up.

Because they didn't know.

How can someone who's ancestor never worked for more and received less tell you how to act a way that they will never understand.

How can someone who will never be counted as the minority tell you how to be included as the less. Or tell you how to really be the most but put down to places that you cannot rise again because the less are petrified by the most.

The most are beautiful.

We are beautiful but we black men and women are copied by Miley Cyrus, Iggy and anyone else who's insecure because they wont our skin lips our bodies our booties. They as in they who are not us, wont to be black.

But when black loves their skin, they aren't light enough. The black aren't light skin two shades from paper they aren't light enough.But some how these ivory girls have skin dyed so tan that they are browner than my brown.

When the black love their lips, they are too big . To full to kiss with love. Yet Kylie Jenner's are praised everyday for lips that were bought with green instead of naturally born.

When the black love their bodies, they are too round or too big. Not long and skinny enough. Not short or thick enough too squeeze at night.

When black love their booties and dance the way they want to dance using what was rightfully given to them they are sluts, skanks, whores. Slut shamed, we weren't given booties to stand on the wall!

But it doesn't matter because for some, lust out weighs the eyes and brain. So Kardashian's are celebrated for being the subject of beauty. When they were beautiful in the first place but the beauty they're referring to was bought like meat can be bought at a store.

Ow, she's pretty for a black girl...

Like that's a complement that should be taken heavily for someone my race to beautiful. Because that's rare? Rare? When there have been John Smiths, Captain Phoebes and David Bowie's since the beginning of time.


When people first see me they do not see my smirk of a smile...they notice my hair.

After not getting permission to run their loose fingers that I have never met before through my hair people have the audacity to ask ,''what are you?"

Like it Halloween and I a child of seven years dressed in a custom that's so well stitched together that they don't know what monster I am. Like I a dog and they don't know which breed.

I'm human but saying that isn't enough to create an imaginary image of who the people who birthed me look like.

I am black.

The black that's only in America because her ancestors were shipped like cargo black.

The black that my great(X6) grandmother could've been Kizzy, black.

The black that don't get no darker black.

And it's ignorance that is the root of the questions, ''what are you,'' and ,'' what are you mixed with?''

Ignorance that seems to just keep growing and growing.

You see the white man did such a good job at making it seem like the paler your skin and the straighter your hair is you are considered beautiful.

When I am lighter than dark skin and darker than light skin.

Because there isn't a day that passes that I wish I looked more like Zendaya, Lupita, and and Beyonce all at once!

Now I'm not light skin bashing I'm just saying when is it the dark's turn to shine?

When people first see me they do not see my short legs and small body...

They see my skin that I have been told on many occasions doesn't resemble a fully black person.

Because seeing my skin is like looking at a crayon and trying to figure out weather I am with the blue, greens or yellows.

That's like saying only black people have dark practically midnight colored skin. And mixed people have bronze, coffee with the creamer colored skin.

Like your eyes have super powers that allow you to just look at the hue of someones skin and you know what race they are.

I am black.

I'll say it again I am black and the only thing keeping you from realizing that is the false conception of a black and mixed person that other ignorant people placed in your head because they, like you, do not understand the anomaly that is of having good genes.

When people first see me they do not see that I am not a person to be reckoned with...

They see my eyes that form in the shape of almonds or to be more creative the shape of mini footballs. Or to be more out of place but in a way of understanding my eye look like Asian people eyes.

And when I smile my cheeks take up more than half my face and cause my eyes to look like little brown slits there's no way I cold be full black. 

On Google the definition of Black people is a term used in certain countries, often in socially based systems of racial classification or of ethnicity, to describe persons who are perceived to be dark-skinned compared to other given populations.

How? Why is the words dark skinned in the definition of my race. How can my race have a definition because I can guarantee you that I am undefinable.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2016 ⏰

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