Story 4- A Little Boy's Dreams

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Joseph sat slumped on the sofa, staring into the darkness beyond the patio windows. The only light source being a dim lamp on a side table. Any light would have done for him to ease the fear he had of 'the Bad Man'. He had hurt Joseph's neck, and when he had awoken the next night, Joseph wanting to do the same to others.

He glanced at the clock on the wall.

Smiling, he knew it would soon be time.

Another few minutes.

Joseph listened to the ticks of the clock counting the seconds away. He knew he should be in bed sleeping, but he couldn't resist staying up late to see what happened. Also, his stomach was rumbling to be fed. It was getting so bad he was sure it was punching him.

While he waited, Joseph sang to himself, some of the words he had forgotten as every third or fourth word was an attempt, then back to pieces he remembered. Usually his mother sang with him, helping with the words, but she was busy in the kitchen – least that's what he had come to think.

The singing came to an abrupt stop as the clock chimed the hour he'd been so anxiously waiting for. His nerves tingled with excitement. He knew it was about to happen. His heart skipped a beat.

As soon as he saw movement outside, Joseph leapt to his feet. What he saw was like Snow White standing outside: snow falling all around a dark-haired girl with red lips, and a long flowing white dress. He stared into her sky-blue eyes, watching her hair drift with the breeze. A sudden gust sent ripples through her dress; her slender body almost visible under the thin fabric.

Walking over to the patio doors, Joseph looked up at her. He ran his index finger over the glass, tracing the contours of her outline. He started to get an erection as he noticed her chilled nipples jutting out. This was a relatively new sensation to him, and he liked it very much.

The woman placed her hand on the glass, leaning in so close her breath made a circle of condensation. All the time she looked straight ahead as if never noticing Joseph.
She tried the door handle several times, but Joseph had learnt to keep it locked so he could savour these moments.

"Oh, Lisa! You look beautiful!"

He looked at her with love in his eyes, or at least a strong feeling of emotion.

Lisa's eyes still stared forward, yet had a yearning look in them; begging to be let in.

"You even found the dress I saw you wearing! Amazing!"

Puckering his lips, Joseph stood on tip-toes and kissed the glass as high as he could reach.

Lisa's gaze never moved; remaining hypnotic.

Joseph slid the latch up and turned the key; waiting for the sound of the click. Pausing for a moment, he took another look up at Lisa. Grinning and snickering, he slid the patio door over to the right. He had struggled with it before, but now he threw it open with ease.

He gestured for Lisa to come in.

Slowly, Lisa stepped over the threshold still gazing forward. As she came closer towards him, Joseph looked at her from her head to her bare feet. She was no older than nineteen; older than Gemma the night before.

Lisa stopped a few inches in front of him and knelt down. Joseph caressed her cheek with his right hand and smiled happily; leaping up and in excitement.

Joseph quickly gave her a peck on the lips.

A few seconds on the clock passed.

He gave her a grin.

Feeling shy, he dared himself to kiss her on the neck. He leaned closer and placed the kiss gently just above her collar bone, but stepping back fast to check if Lisa was still in a gaze.

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