¥ Hearing About Him ¥

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Ben Drowned
Whether it was super old or brand new (Y/N)'s family collected different types of technology. Everyone in her family seemed to collect one certain type of technology. Her mother collected Grandfather Clocks, her second cousin collected light bulbs, and last but not least her brother collected computer chips. Though these things seemed like things that she would be one to collect, she preferred to collect one thing and one thing only: gaming consoles. Nintendo DS's, Gameboys, Atari's, anything that she could possibly find.
Right at the moment (Y/N) was trying her best to not to find some nearby handcuffs and handcuff her friend to a tree somewhere in the yard for rubbing her greasy fingers all over her rare Nintendo 64 that she had gotten a few birthdays back. "You know, (Y/N)... You could sell this for lots of money." Pausing the game you were currently playing at the moment before setting the controller down and slowly turning your head to her as your eye seemed to twitch a bit. "What did you just say woman..?"
(Y/N) shook her head as she got up and grabbed her Nintendo and headed to her closet as her friend let a small pout form on her lips. Opening the door (Y/N) let her eyes glance up the the top shelf before placing it carefully next to the dusty box of her games for the rare console. She shifted the console into its spot, though raised an eyebrow when it seemed to be leaning forward in its spot.
"Hey, Es! Come and hold this for a minute!" Esmeree gave a nod as she stood up and dusted off her shorts before she walked over and took the console, allowing (Y/N) to reach up and grabbed the mysterious thing: a gaming cartridge. "Whoa, is that what I think it is?" "...Yeah, an old game cartridge.." Glancing back at Esmeree (Y/N) simply shrugged before she turned the cartridge over and squinted her eyes at the faded wording. "Majora's Mask..." Esmeree gave a high pitched squeal as she danced on her tip toes. "Ooooo~ BEN Drowned's gonna getcha!~"

Candy Pop
Letting soft sigh slip through his lips (Y/N) shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, letting his feet drag against the dusty ground of the town's fairgrounds. Despite all the thrilling rides, greasy delicious food, and loud exciting squeals he was depressed once again. Even though he knew that he should've simply shrugged it off he couldn't help the fact that the feeling got to him every time, though only seemed to get worse.
You see, (Y/N) had became close to a friend that he had met in the middle of his freshman year and had developed feelings for him. After many attempts to try to hangout, and that was after he confessed his feelings, it seemed that all his friend was trying to do was avoid him. He had planned to ask him out when they got to ride on the Ferris Wheel, but his friend always had an excuse to why he couldn't go.
"Watch where you're going, kid.." (Y/N) lifted his head to look the man who pulled his young daughter closer to him as they started to walk away with glaring eyes. Giving another sigh he let his gaze look up to what was in front of him before and tilted his head. It seemed to be a old tattered bright blue and purple circus tent with blue and purple streams with smiling faces on them. Pulling the flaps apart (Y/N) walked in and glanced around as the loud cheers of people and music met his ears and flashing lights came into view.
Walking over towards the bleachers and moved to sit by himself as he looked at the head master who stood in the middle of the empty dirt area. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Now the moment you've all been waiting for....! Candy Cane and Candy Pop!"

Dr. Smiley
"P-Please! Let me out of here!" (Y/N)'s loud desperate cries for help echoed off the padded cell walls and a few yards out into the open space of the large hallway. Forming her already bruised hands into fists she repeatedly slammed them against the door as loud screams fueled by intense fear and dark angry slipped through her lips and into the dimly lit hallway, them seeming to either excite or annoy the other patients.
This.. This was a mistake! She wasn't suppose to be here! 'I can handle it by myself! I'll be fine! It was only one scary movie.' Boy, did she truly regret ever watching that movie with every part of her now shattered mind that was hidden in a never-ending field of darkness. She knew that she had to be cautious to what she watched, and she hated that. (Y/N) thought that she would be able to get over her schizophrenia, but that event made her world go completely opposite.
That frightening Death Rattle started to echo loudly and very close to her ear, making her whimper loudly and cower to the corner of the cell. She curled up into a fetal position while burying her face in between two of the lumpy padded squares. She closed her eyes tightly as sobs emitted from her chest as she felt cold thing hands start to wrap around her face. All she could do was lay there and let the monster consume her in fear as it did daily.
"This one will be assigned to Dr. Smiley..Especially and immediately.. Put her at the top of the list." (Y/N) jumped at the sudden loud voice of one of the night shift nurses as the loud sound of the clipboard sliding and hitting the bottom of the metal holder. 'D-Dr. Smiley..? W-what a f-funny name..' (Y/N) thought to herself as for once in what seemed like a lifetime to her, she was able to produce a faint giggle as she drifted off to sleep.

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