Chapter 20

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Chapter 20
Vanessa POV
I went into my room and got under covers that's when I heard thunder . I ran to Maejors room he was still awake packing . He looked at me " can I sleep with you ". He chuckled " yea".  We both got under the covers he wrapped his arms around me and wow I felt safe. 
***. The next morning we all woke up got dress and started to board the plane in which it had breakfast. I saw Anessa sleeping on Jase. I looked at Maejor he put a pillow on his lap and told me to lay down. He played with my hair. I drifted off into a deep sleep.   *********
Hours later we landed Anessa had to get to her gang. Then the rest went their own way so I was stuck with Jason anyways he had to take my sisters Bags home. He didn't say a word. During the car ride I just stared at him. He smirked.  I couldn't help
But type smile.  I texted Maejor that I still wanted Justin he told me that h swill always wait for me. I left it at that. Once we got to my place he helped put the bags inside. We would both glance at eachother a smile. At once point I slipped and fell. He laughed " u good ". " yea". 
" Look Babygirl I've been thinking about you all night. I'm sorry. I only love you. My feelings just took over me.  Remeber our bracelets while I have it on it means I'll love you forever. Please for give me ".  I kissed him and in walked Anessaa. She look annoyed and shocked and just left. I grabbed a duffle bag filled with clothes. " Can we go to your place ? " I asked.  He nodded. **** once we made it to his place I put on some sweats.  I went downstairs told Rosalinda I'll cook.  Then I felt a pair of arms wrapped behind my back.
" what are you doing ?" Jason asked
" about to cook" I responded
" I have a total package , she's sexy , can cook , and is good under the covers" he said grabbing my ass.  I smacked him he chuckled .  I started cooking.  " so what's Mrs.McCann making " he said winking.  " PASTAAAA".  " OOO I'm liking that " he said.  He started playing music and acting crazy . I just laughed.  Then he started grinding behind me " Jase ! ".   He kept dancing.   Hmm someone's feeling some type of way.  Soon enough dinner was ready. I started setting up the table. When the doorbell rung. Who could it be now

Remeber Me? Jason McCann Where stories live. Discover now