Chapter 8--Charlie

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I was pissed. This guy I didn't even know was following me. He was mad because I was with his "girlfriend". I had never even heard Alice mention a guy named Tyler before. I glanced in my mirror; his lights were right behind me. I knew this town real good, so I floored it and got on the busiest road possible. I knew he couldn't try any funny stuff on a main road, and if I was lucky I'd be able to loose him in the traffic. Alice was freaking out beside me, but I ignored her. I was a little bit mad that I was in this mess in the first place. I usually try to avoid fights if I can help it, and this guy I didn't even know had punched me in the face, and that had hurt.

I glanced back again, I couldn't see his car, but it was really dark out so I wasn't sure if we had lost his. It was kinda hard to tell the cars apart, but he was missing one light on his truck so I didn't think it was there.

"We lost him I think." Alice commented. She sounded totally relieved.

I pulled into the nearest big parking lot, it happened to be Wal-Mart, I then turned off my car and looked over at Alice. She looked at me, several expressions flashed through on her face, guilty, embarrassed, scared, sad, confused, guilty again, and then her face cleared. She had noticed I was watching her emotions and was now trying to hide them. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I think you have a little explaining to do." I said quietly. I tried to keep my voice even. I didn't want to give my emotions away before I knew the whole story.

"What?" She played dumb. I personally think she would have been better off just telling me right away, but a lot of girls seem to think that they should act dumb and see if it works before going into gory details.

"Would you kindly explain to me why some Tyler thinks your his? I thought we had a thing here! What is going on? Are you really important enough in his life that he needed to punch me? Maybe I should just back off and give you and him some time to figure things out before we set our relationship in stone. Maybe I don't mean as much to you as I thought I did." My voice got sad and angry sounding by the end. Alice looked like she was going to cry.

"Tyler and I dated a year ago. I walked in on him making out with another girl. That pretty much ended things for us. I hadn't dated anyone since him. Now that he's heard about you, he seems to think that he can get me back. I think the jealousy is sinking in. I never officially broke up with him. I just assumed he knew we were over. I haven't talked to him in over half a year. I would have told you all of this before but we just never talked about it. I'm so sorry. I wasn't meaning to hide things from you." Her tone started cracking when it got to the last line. One lonely tear slid down her beautiful cheeks. I knew she felt terrible. I believed her, but I hadn't known there was this much drama coming with her if we dated. I needed to think about it. I still loved her of course. How could I deal with something like this better if it came up again? I had so much; I just needed to sleep on it all.

"Alice, I don't really know how to deal with this. As you know you're the first legit relationship I've ever been in. I've never felt this way about a girl before. This also makes me new at all this problem solving stuff. I still love you obviously. My face does hurt though." I added the last part with a smile. "I'm gonna bring you home okay dear? We'll figure everything else out in the morning. It's getting late and I don't need your mother mad at me too."

"Okay." She said quietly. "I love you; I have no feelings for Tyler at all. He hurt me to bad that once to ever win back my love. I can't believe he punched you, I'm so sorry about that too."

"That's not your fault that he resorts to violence. Although when you’re thinking of dating someone, I'd suggest try to find a cool, collected person who won't spaz over silly things." I said, it was very obvious that I was hinting at myself. I was joking though of course.

"I guess that means I have to break up with you then!" She teased. "After all you're such a drama queen! You're always freaking' out over little problems."

"Hey now! That's not even funny! I'm not sure what I'd do with out you in my life. I literally go to you with everything I hear. Good and bad news you're always the first I tell. Who would I go to if I didn't have you?" I said.

"I suppose you could find a corner with some eager girl! She'd probably fix all your problems for only a small sum of money!" She joked. She was laughing now. I'm so glad she is happy again.

"Yeah, I'm going to Vegas to find some hookers as soon as I drop you off at home! Why do you think I'm in such a hurry?"

"Gross! Why would you go to Vegas when you can just call a local supplier?"

We were both crackin’ up after this silly conversation, and it just went on. This was why I loved her! She didn't get mad over stupid things. When she did she got over it quickly. She would never let it ruin her entire night. I dropped her off at home and started heading back to my house. As I was pulling out of the driveway I saw a truck light pull up to her house, a dark shadow emerged from the truck, and creep around to the back of the house, right towards Alice's window.

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