8: Hair-cuts & Hormones

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It's been one week since I've moved to Aunt Jeanine's.

And I wanted to die.

Not just because the smell of the house in the morning suffocated me but also because I was forced to cut my hair.

Why is this happening to me?

I was forced to look like a lost penguin - this was not fair. And what was even better was that Anthony got to watch. I think you can all feel how excited I was about that.


The prick was smirking the whole way through, watching more hair falling and cheeks showing. I hated my cheeks. Anthony and I hadn't really talked more or less after what happened. It was just small talk and that was all. I had spent most of the week completing online assignments since I was starting Kaleva High School in a few days and I needed to catch up. Big time. Besides, there was nothing else to do.

The guys and I were slowly drifting apart. They were busy and I was left all alone in a small room with the house computer and an order to wash the dishes every other night. Anthony didn't actually live with Jeanine and her husband. He had his own place in a very close apartment. And by close I mean it was literally a meter away - which is why he was always around Jeanine's. 

The three of them wouldn't bother making effort with me, as bad as that sounded. They didn't really care. I think Aunt Jeanine had wished she didn't accept my mom's offer - I was a burden. Just another person to look after. And so I tried my best to stay out of the house, away from the three of them. They didn't like me and frankly, I don't think I liked them either.

I just wanted to go back home.

All those bullshit stories about fitting in on the first night and falling in love with the boy next door were complete and utter lies. I was alone with no one to talk to and nothing to do. No falling in love inserted in that equation.

Not like I wanted to fall in love, anyway. 

The hairdresser added the finishing touches and then let me go, having Anthony pay. I stood up from the uncomfortable chair, thanked her quietly and made my way outside. As much as I wanted to leave him behind, I couldn't. He was my ride and I still didn't know the way around Kaleva - no matter how small it was.

What pissed me off the most is that I couldn't be Dani around here. I couldn't be daring and intimidating because these people, they intimidated me. They were just so foreign. So foreign and cold. Leading a simple lifestyle. A straight-forward lifestyle. They didn't want change and I was change. So I couldn't be accepted.

"You look nice." Anthony said, as soon as he stepped out of the hairdresser's. 

"No I don't, shut up." 

"Alright then." He retorted, raising his arms in surrender. "You ready?"

"To go home? Yeah, whatever." I replied, bored.

"No, actually. I've got to stop at the garage."

"Do I need to come?"

"I'm too lazy to drop you off at home..." He said, scratching the back of his head.

I sighed, annoying and simply nodded.

He got into the car and I followed, making sure to turn the radio on. Fortunately, "I Didn't See It Coming" by Parachute was on. A lively song.

Kaleva needed a life.

"I hate this song." Anthony murmured.

"Too bad." I whispered back.

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