IM:(All) Long title

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You are and idol/ celebrity, which they don't know about. You're friends with them, they take you to an award show and there they found out about your 'status'.

A/N: First of all sorry about the title.

Second: *Y/F/N/* is going to mean here: Your/Favourite's/Name

And third: There will be also outfits in this Imagine!

Your POV:

"Y/n, that is an amazing idea!" Your manager praises to you as you told her your idea. Your best friends, the boys from BTS, don't know you're a performer to, since you've been living in y/country. "Right?" "So, how do you plan on doing this" "Well, I'll put on a two-piece dress with my performance clothing underneath and while preforming my dancer can hand me my jacket. And to let the boys not know about this, I'll tell them I have to go to the toilet or something, or that I forgot my phone in the car." "I'll think the toilet one is better, since boys always think it takes us hours to do our stuff their." "Yeah, you're right." "I usually am, anyway. We'll discuss the details about this later, alright? I bet they're already waiting for you." "Yeah they are. I'll see you this Saturday than." "Yes, by love!" "Bye Hannah!" You waved to her before you walked out of her house.

"You called a taxi and went to the BigHit studio's where you was going to meet up with the boys." When you walked in, and greeted several people, you heard familiar music and started walking towards it. "geu soneul naemireojwo save me save me. I need your love before I fall, fall..." The music was playing loudly through the room as your friends did their choreography. When they were finished they finally noticed you and run up to you to give you a big group hug. "GUYS LET GO! YOU'RE SWEATY!" You yelled laughing as they squeezed you together. "Don't be a baby y/n." "Says the maknae of the group." You fired back laughing making the others 'Ooh' behind you. "At least I'm not shorter than Chim Chim." "Hey!" "Well, people call that cute, something you don't have." "Nope, I don't I am hot." "Yes you are." "Are you now agreeing with me?" He says taken back. "If I would have said no, I'd be lying." You say laughing making the maknae blush. "I hate you." He murmured, you stuck out your tongue before you all sat down and talked for a bit.

"So, Y/n. Nervous for your first time attending an award show?" Jimin says grinning. You quickly remembered that they still didn't know that you are famous so you acted a little bit to keep your surprise a secret. "Well, actually," You started acting shy, yet very natural. "I am pretty nervous. What if I mess up and the whole world will see?" You said, not even lying. You were pretty nervous for your performance. "It'll be okay. There isn't something real big that can go wrong when you're on the red carpet. It'd be more scary when you're on stage." Joonie says smiling. 'Thanks, that really helped oppa.' "Yeah that's true." "Did you already chose your outfit?" Their manager behind you suddenly asks making you jump a little bit. "Y-yeah, I did. Dang it, you scared me." "Sorry Y/n." "It's okay."

"I bet you'll look beautiful as always." Y/f/n says making you blush. "T-thank you oppa." You say to him still red as a tomato. "So, what shall we do this week? We're free 'till Saturday, so?" Jin started breaking the awkward silence between us. "Uhm, we can go to my house?" You offered. Which the boys happily accepted. Especially when they know you have only good food in your house, and they're probably planning on eating it all.

*At your house*

"So, what shall we do now?" "I'm actually still full of energy so let's play a active video game!" Tae says jumping up and down dragging the maknae with him in his hyper mood. "What about Just dance?" "Yes!" Hobie yells through the room! "Ah! I'm too tired for this." "Than you'll be the judge, you can just sit there and judge us. Like you usually do." You say laughing as Yoongi is amused with your idea. "Is fine by me." He says sitting back against the couch. "Alright, let's make this interesting. We make two teams of 3 and 4, and the winner gets to sat what the loser has to pay for. And I don't mean punishment as in kicking his butt I mean buying us food, because I am hungry!" "Wait why teams of 3 and 4?" Tae asks staring at us blankly. "Tae, that's because Suga Hyung isn't playing along with us." Joonie says annoyed. "Ah." Tae says with still a blank expression on his face.

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