Chapter 18

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We Burst threw the Doors

"ROGUES"We Shout At The People

They Turn to us and nod getting ready to fight

I Make A Place in the Air and we grab the Kids and put them in there

"Stay here Please and listen?"We Ask

we look at each other and nod and We kill a lot of Rogues

9 Years Later

Me And Arron are actually together and mated and marked and we have Twins On the Way

"Hey Adrianna Ethan"Arron says to Them and i Hum And close my Eyes and Breathe

"How-What are you doing"Arron Asks and I Open my Eyes and glare at him

"Relaxing and Breathing"I Say and Then go back to it

"Hey Bianca"Ethan And Adrianna Say and i Hum

"You relaxing"Adrianna Asks and i hum and nod She Joins me

We Then move our Position

I Feel something wet go down my Leg

i Get up and stare at Arron

"Arron"I Say

Arron Turns to me and his eyes widen and Adrianna Laughs

"Arron"I Say And the baby's Kick

I Growl at Arron

"Okay Hospital Time!!!"Arron says and helps me outside and in the Car and he goes back and grabs the Baby Bag

At The Hospital

When i was doing my First Push Arron Fainted

i look at him and the Nurse laughs

Adrianna And Ethan Come in and stare at Arron's Body

"Don't ask"I Say And Pant

I Push

"How Can Pregnant People Do this!!!"I Say And Adrianna Shrugs

Arron Gets up and Stares at me

"Can everyone leave except the Mom And Father please?"A Nurse says and Ethan And Adrianna Leave

"Bianca We have a Probably The Girl isn't going to come out For another few days but your baby boy is out and is Awake"The Nurse Says and Washes Him off

"Can You Get Ethan And Adrianna Arron?"I Ask and he Nods and walks out and comes back with Them

The Nurse leaves after helping me feed him and i Cover my Self

"Your still pregnant why?"Adrianna Asks me and Ethan Looks at me

Me And Arron look at Each other

"The Girl isn't ready to come out for another few Days"I Say and Adrianna stares me

"What that can happen"Adrianna Asks me and i nod

"Wow!"Ethan Says

"This little guy is Leon Jake Samson"Arron Says and i Smile at him 

He Smiles Back

I Cover my Breast Up and Burp Him

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