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Part one
I remember it so vividly:
The train rattled along the track, Dylan noticed he had lost his phone. Andrew was hoping Dylan's phone was at the bottom of his bag, to avoid any further hassle on the journey. Turns out he was using it last time in the subway before he got on the train. Mika felt awkward and so did Selena so they decided to interfere the situation with something relatable..

"So you lost your phone?" Asked Mika with a grin, "Oh! I hadn't noticed!" Exclaimed Dylan sarcastically. "Haha, very funny ....Anyway I got this new app called 'Anti-Theft'. Search it up, basically all it does is set up a password on your phone, normal right? But here's the catch, if anyone tries to 'hack' your phone it automatically takes a five second video of them and emails it to you! Amazing....right?" Answered Mika of whom was actually pretty proud of the way she'd answered that.
Then the next thing you know everyone's trying to download it...

When they finally set up the app and arrived at their destination they all knew where they immediately had to go .... 'THE BEACH' The four of them shouted in unison. They settled down and Mika placed the tent - with the help of Dylan, then the four of them knew it was time to enjoy the rest of the day messing in the water. Andrew had one thing in mind and that was to take embarrassing pictures of them all playing in the shallow area of the ocean.

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