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In the last chapter, yukina finally read the letter that the old woman gave to her. and now she is in the house of her school mate zen kazuto that also have an idea on this realm thing they've said.


yukina: uh... I... um... whats this? and who is this, Dark? and how did he know me? um.. I think this is just a prank and I'm not falling for it.. so please excuse me.. I have school tomorrow..

zen is walking towards the sofa and sat down and said...

zen: do you really think that you can escape this fate you have?

yukina: what about fate?! I'm fine with my life! I'm not that suffering! I'm used to it!!

zen: fine. have it your way.

yukina turns her back to zen and walk straight to the door and shuts it.

zen: *smirk* let's see if you can avoid this..

In yukina's view..

yukina: *sigh* well that was really freakin' weird.. and more than that do I really have that kind of powers?... who am I thinking.. I've been normal since I was a......kid?

lost child: waaaaaah!! mommy! where are you!

yukina was standing in front of the lost child and she suddenly noticed something about herself but she snapped out of reality and help the lost child.

yukina walked close to the child and kneel down to his size.

yukina: shhh.. hush now.. I'm here for you.. let's find your mom.. here *hands out her hand* hold my hand. (^.^)

lost child: ??? .. uh.. um.. alright. *sniff* lets find mommy..

the lost child holds her hand but suddenly yukina feel tired already, but she ignored it to help the child.

so they searched her mother but its no where to be found.

yukina: do you know where you live?

lost child: *nods*

yukina: come! I'll company you until you reached your home.

yukina accompany the lost child and they've been walking for hours and the child bring her to a forest and arrived in the middle of the forest. where theres a house made of wood.

they entered the house and since they got there the child was very silent. then suddenly the child pulls the shirt of yukina, meaning that he has something to say, so yukina kneel down and the child was whispering something to her but she didn't understand it.

but she was so shocked on what happens to her.

the child pierced his fangs to yukina's neck and suck her blood.

she tried to counter it but the child is unexpectedly strong. but the more she struggle the more she gets weak.

yukina: urgggh! get off me! kyaaa!

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