What It's Like

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This is for the people who wonder what it's like to self-harm. This is for the people that want to self-harm but never have. If I would have read something like what I'm about to write I most likely would have never made that first cut.

Most people thinks cutting help you. Don't get me wrong it does but only for a second. Here's the problems

1) It only helps you relieve pain for a few seconds

2) You become self consious and scared every second of the day because you think someone might see your cuts or scars

3) After you cut once it becomes an addiction it's not something you want to do anymore ,matter of fact you want to stop , but you can't . It turns into something you need to do because if you don't you feel like you'll go crazy or break down.

4) You start believing you have more flaws than ever . It's like to you everything about you is horrible,and ugly.

5) You become more depressed every day and with every cut because you feel like your a weakling or stupid because you cut.

6) Cutting can sometimes lead to more problems such as : sucide, anorexia, bulimia, insomnia,serve depression, ect.

7) Everytime you cut you have to rinse the blade, clean up the blood, clean the cut every now and then, make up lies in case someone see's them, hide everything.

8) Once you start cutting you get more depressed for most people. When you get depressed you: distance yourself from everyone, have a constant feeling of feeling lost and not knowing what to do, you get aggervated quickly, you stop doing things that used to make you happy.

9) Once you cut once theres this voice inside your head telling you to add another, so you do and one cut turns to two, two to four and then eventually your arms covered in blood.


1) It relieves pain for a few seconds.

So what I'm trying to say basically is if your reading this and you haven't cut before. It's not worth it. Yes, I do but you see I wish I could stop but I can't and it's ruined my life. Don't let it ruin yours. Instead of cutting yourself do something that takes your mind off of everything. Join a sport like boxing or whatever you enjoy, listen to music, sing, dance, or whatever helps you forget the world. Just don't think cutting can overall help you all it does is make things worse!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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