chapter 1

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Rebecca pov

I got ready to go and sat out Sid of the cake shop on a bench about the time school whats over when a very nice car pulled up. Honey came out and ran over.

"Comeon! Where gonna be late!" He said smiling

"Late for wha-" I began getting cut off when he took my hand and started half dragging me to the car. This boy was strong.

He pulled me into the car and I sat next to him. There was a much taller boy in the car.

"I'm assuming your Mori?" I said looking over at him. He just knodded.

"I told you his name is Mori cause that's what everyone else calls him. I call him Takashi!" (Sorry if I spelt that wrong) honey smiled latching onto him.

I smiled that was just adorable.

"So does anyone where care to tell me where where going?" I asked

"The host club" Mori replyed flatly. I looked at them questioningly.

"It's at the school" honey smiled.I looked at me. I got nervous.

"I don't think I'm dressed for this kind of even." I said. My mom was right I should have been ready.

"Dont worry you'll be fine!" Honey said as the car stoped and I was drug out of the car. I could tell just by the size of the school this wasn't going to end well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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