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Slamming the door shut, locking the dead bolt, and turning to my brother’s tiresome expressions blood smeared their faces. A sense of defeat clouded the air while sounds of yelling, gunshots, and swear words filled the air. Placing my hand on the door I let my power flow through me my hand emitting a reddish glow. The sounds of the men fighting amongst themselves filled the air.

“Great idea genius, lock us in a room with no escape route sometimes I swear someone like you cannot be related to someone like me. We just forget the deal and slaughter them now it’s not like they could actually put up a fight”.  A very sinister look crossed Chance’s face as the door began to shake violently, catching my attention.

"Well shit Chance, I already slaughtered half their men why not let the others think they have an actual shot at winning. I love playing cat and mouse." I couldn't keep the smile not only off my face but from being heard in my voice.

“Gentlemen, Gentlemen who said there wasn’t any escape routes because brothers I’m looking at four of them right now.” Turning to where DK was staring understanding filled me.

“We have to do it all at once for it to work and I’m sure it will hurt like a bitch but what the hell why not. They’re going to break through soon and we don’t have much time from the sounds I’m picking up outside. Let’s hurry this up they’re getting close.” No response was given as we all took off running, bracing ourselves for the two story drop, as our bodies were thrown out the class windows.

Swear poured down my face as my brothers and I split up into different directions blending in with the night. Choosing the woods I hooked a quick right picking up speed as I dodge tree trunks and fallen branches. Thorn bushes tore at my neck and hands as my legs brought me deeper into the forest. Praying that I was being chased a meadow came into view, after what felt like hours of running. A piercing scream filled the air as I stumbled to a stop, sucking in a much needed breathe I listened when nothing else followed but an eerie feeling, I turned around and ran back towards the house. My vision began to swim as it became clear to me what was happening my stomach gave a lunge.

“Look! There he is I told you he came this way let’s gut him now John, Please let’s get him like the devil spawn—“

“Enough! No our orders were to bring him back alive. That’s what we’re going to do.” The voice                    sounded so far away as my legs gave.

“Lucky for me that one of you hick hillbillies already killed one of us. Looks like in the end we win again. You will never succeed in your plans we’ve successfully ran from your ancestors for years.” A scowl erupted on the tall one’s face who had been called John. His face took on a deeper scowl as the small one called out his name and I began to choke on my own blood.

               “You will rot in hell for your sins which will have to be enough until we meet again.”

               “I’ll save you a spot because you better believe when we come back and we will your bloodline will pay. Your blood belongs to me.” Then the whole world turned black as my promised filled laugh entered the air.

Warrens POV

The smell of worms and mud filled my nostrils as I took a deep breath in. The sound of rain pelting down filled my ears as not one drop touched me. Opening my eyes very slowly two things him me at once. One I was buried alive and my brothers were nowhere to be found. The box that held me was very narrow but wasn’t very deep. Placing my hands on the top of the box, I began to tracing the claw marks that the last poor soul trapped in here left behind. Most people would either hyperventilate or go into a severe panic attack but then again I’m not most people.  Although, being buried alive is not very appealing to me and made me feel uncomfortable. The faint sound of my name peaked my curiosity as voices grew louder and footsteps could be heard coming closer.

“Maybe he isn’t even here DK, I mean we all know why we woke up where we did.” A soft ohmp and disgruntled words followed.

“He is here! Chance, I know he is I can feel him and we’re close please keep looking.” The sorrow and desperation in DK’s voice squeezed at my heart.

DK maybe older than me by a couple of minutes but no one would guess it at first glance. He was very playful and innocent. Having the powers he did I guess that would have to be given to balance everything out. My brother was Death and he hated it with everything inside of him which is why I needed to get out of this damn box.             

“We’ve been searching for hours and the rain is not letting up. You know the rules and protocol we have been out here—“

               “Don’t you lecture me about the rules brother, this isn’t just anyone we’re talking about this is Warren. My twin brother in case you forgot and you know I don’t feel right when he isn’t with me.” DK had cut off with such anger and accusation.

               “Jesus DK, I know you two never let us forget, he is my brother too in case you forgot.” The sound of retreating footsteps filled my ears.

“Shit my big mouth sometimes I swear Warren, I don’t know if you can hear me but we need you. I need you, you always keep the peace between all of us help me find you before Chance bashes my skull. We both know how I can get without you by my side.” DK was on the verge of tears I could hear it in his voice when he spoke almost like he was going to give up himself.  A thump let me know he had intentionally or unintentionally sat down next to where I was buried.

“If anyone would find me I knew it would be you DK, look closer. I’m right here listen to the sound of my voice in the wind. You can’t get me out of here by yourself you need Chance.” My voice came out as barley as whisper as the wind carried it up to the surface.

“Oh Christ! I knew you were here I just knew it. Chance! Chance come back he is here! He was here the whole time! Hold on warren I’m coming for you.” Shouting and curses tumbled out as mud began to be lifted off me.

“Oh god, that means that it’s Finn.” Both Chance and DK’s eyes snapped to mine as realization him them.

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