"Nice Guys Get The Girl" an ARP original||Ashton Irwin Imagine

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{a/n: for ultimate reading experience, playing 'the end of all things' by P!ATD where the {*} is inserted in the text is suggested. Enjoy!}

Max complains the whole drive to the restaurant. "I don't want to go," he whines. "You told me you'd take me out for my birthday," I say. He sighs, and I roll my eyes. Max is a total jerk. To be honest with you, I have no idea why I'm still with him.

Love's funny like that. Only it's definitely not love anymore.

If it ever was.

I open the door to the truck by myself. It'd be ridiculous to expect him to. "Promise me you won't be so mopey in there?" I ask as we walk to the door. "Promise me you'll stop making me promise things," he replies coldly. I mentally roll my eyes as we enter the place.

I take my seat across from him. "Hello! I'm Ashton, I'll be your waiter this evening," a boy fills our glasses with water. "Hi," I smile in reply, while Max doesn't even acknowledge him. He's young, probably around my age. He's also cute; with his green eyes, golden brown curls, and adorable smile. His attitude is also a lot better than Max's. A lot of things about him seem to be better than Max, already.

"Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" he asks. "You just did," Max spats, and I look at him coldly. "Excuse his rudeness," I say, turning back to Ashton. "I'll have a cherry coke, please." "Sure thing. And for Mr. Grumpypants?" he looks to Max. I suppress my giggle as Max glares at him. "A sprite," he scoffs. "Coming right up," Ashton flashes that adorable smile of his, then leaves.

Max folds his arms and reclines in his chair, narrowing his eyes. "What?" I ask. "Oh come on," he drones. "It's pretty obvious you were flirting with him." "Being kind and flirting are not the same thing," I reply. "I'm aware," he rolls his eyes. "Are you sure about that?" I question. "Yep. Are you? Just checking, I know how stupid you can be..." Max insults me just as Ashton re-approaches our table.

"Here we are," he hands me my drink, then Max his. "Thank you," I say. "No problem. It's kind of my job," he laughs. What a beautiful laugh he has. "Are you ready to order?" he asks. "Oh, no. I'm sorry. We haven't even looked at the menus yet," I sigh. "Don't worry about it. Take your time. I'll be back in a few," he smiles. "Thanks," I smile back.

I pick up my menu, reading each option. "The lobster Alfredo sounds pretty good," I say. "As long as you're paying for it," Max mumbles. "Excuse me?" I ask. "That shit's expensive!" he complains. "It's my birthday!" I yell back, but not too loudly as I don't want to make a scene. "Well your boyfriend's broke, so tough shit! Maybe this is why I didn't want to go out tonight. Ever think of that? Ever think of anyone but yourself? Didn't think so," he rants subtly so that the surrounding tables do not hear our bickering. "Are you insane? It's my birthday! The one day everything SHOULD be about me you still find a way to make it about you! You always-" "How we doing over here?" Ashton interrupts with concern clear in his eyes. "We were talking," Max says in an annoyed tone. "No, you weren't talking," Ashton corrects him, and then looks over to me with a smile, "What would you like to order?" "I'll have the lobster Alfredo, please," I tell him. "Good choice. And you?" his smile fades as he looks to Max. "What she's having," he narrows his eyes. "Be right out," Ashton takes our menus as he leaves.

I place a hand to my head as he walks away. "Well if you're not flirting with him, he's clearly flirting with you," Max spits. "No, he just favors me because you're being all attitudinal," I shake my head. "Just shut up, alright? You know I'm right. You just don't want to admit it. You never do." "And you're never silent. Can you please just stop insulting me for once? Especially on my birthday?" He opens his mouth to undoubtedly rebuke my words, but I cut him off, "Maybe it'd be best if we didn't talk until the food comes." "Fine. Whatever you want, birthday girl," he mocks. I sigh, rubbing my temples.

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