Chapter one

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I was woken by the sound of my alarm blaring I rolled over to turn it off  7.30 on a Monday morning like every teenager I just want this day to be over with all ready.

The light was shining through the curtain creating the only light there was in the room. The birds were tweeting and the sun was gleaming not a bad start I suppose but it was still a Monday.

I suppose I should get out of bed, I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out a top and a black floaty skirt it was a hot day today and I didn't want to be warm in lessons because sitting there for an hour is hard enough . I took a quick look in the mirror my hair was not going right today it was everywhere, a bed head was not going to work for me. I grabbed a comb from my bed side table and tried to get it under control, having long hair is very stressful believe me.

After about 5 minutes of brushing my hair I settled on tying it back into a high pony. That will just have to do I cant spend half my morning sorting my hair out . I began getting undressed to put my clothes on I picked out a nice pair of blue lace underwear matching of course.

' violet are you ready its 8 O'clock you have college at 9.30 so hurry ' my mum shouted up the stairs

'Yes, ill be down in a minute'I shouted back to her, That women doesn't half stress

I put my shoes on and made my way downstairs. Breakfast was set out on the table to my delight, Ethan was sat their stuffing his face such a gentleman. I grabbed a slice of toast before it was all gone.

There were perks at living at home even if I was an English major at one of the best university's in New York. I still had my mum to cook for me.

I finished off my breakfast and went back upstairs to finish getting ready I still needed to do my make up.

I sat down at my vanity table and began applying my foundation and then my eye liner and mascara. It had gone right for once and I actually looked okay.

I looked at my phone it was 9.15, I had 15 minutes to get to college. I grabbed my car keys of the my bed and ran down the stairs.

'Are you ready' my mum asked

'Yes I'll see you later love you' I rushed to give her a kiss I needed to hurry if I wanted to miss the busy New York traffic.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to the car and got in I didn't waste no time I sped off down the street definitely breaking a few laws along the way but I was gonna be late so had to be done.

Finally I got to college . I drove to a parking bay and parked. I checked my watch it was 9.35. I looked at my time table hoping to god I didn't have the devil himself and just with my luck I did. I practically ran to my lecture hoping to sneak in. I checked my watch again it was 9.40 the lecture would be in full swing so I doubt he would notice me coming in.

I made my way up the stairs and in the back door and sat down he hadn't seen me I had managed to do it otherwise that would have been a disaster...

'Miss Willian's care to explain as to why you are 15 minutes late to this lecture and how you think it's acceptable to try and sneak in '

I could feel my cheeks heating up and a lump rise in my throat I hated being called out. The whole lecture hall turned round and looked at me.

' I'm really sorry sir there was really bad traffic and a didn't sneak in I just didn't want to disturb the lecture that's all '

'Not good enough miss Willian's stay behind so I can speak to you later '

And with that he carried on with his lecture.

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