Chapter 2

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The lecture seemed to go on forever I just found myself staring at Mr Healy. I couldn't help but think how attractive he is.

His smile was perfect and the way his shirt fitted him tightly around his muscles made me think what he looked like with it off.

I was to busy imagining him naked that I didn't realise he was shouting me.

'Miss Willian's are you even listening I have asked you twice now'

'Yes Mr Healy of course I am'

'Well what was I saying then '

'Ermmm' that was all I managed to get out I didn't know what he said I was to busy picturing him fucking me against a wall but I couldn't tell him that or anyone for that matter.

' I'll speak to you after this lecture I am not happy know that'

'Sorry sir' he just looked at me with that perfect smile and turned back to the white board.

The lecture seemed to drag for what felt like 2 hours before it had finished. I made my way down the stairs to the front exit hoping to make a sneaky escape because they always work don't they? Well not for me

'Miss Willian's where do you think you are going. This is the third time I have had to speak to you today'

'Erm I was just heading for the toilet ' I lied obviously

'I don't think you were'

I just looked at him and smiled I wasn't going to reply back he knew I was lying it was written all over my face.

' I'm sorry for Turning up late to your lesson and not listening I won't do it again I promise Mr Healy can I go now' I asked hoping he would let me go but we all know the answer

'Call me Elijah no other students are in here so it's okay and here's my number if you ever need help with work or other things call me ' he replied with a wink

'I don't understand I thought you were going to give me a lecture about how it's rude to be late and how I should listen in class blah blah blah '

I couldn't believe this was happening was he actually hitting on me. I took the piece of paper from his hand and began walking away from him . But I was stopped when he grabbed hold of my hand and pushed me against the wall. He grabbed both of my hands and raised them above my head and planted a kiss on my lips. He deepened the kiss ,I responded back . He finally pulled back and smiled at me.

'I have wanted to do that since I first saw you Violet I don't care if you were late to my lecture that was just an excuse to keep you behind'

I didn't know what to do I just smiled at him my insides were going Wild. What was going on was this really happening

He walked over to the door and Locked it shut.

'Don't want to be disturbed now do we' he said as he began walking towards me

I began walking backwards when my back hit the walk. He stood before me and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I had goose bumps all over my body.

' you like my touch don't you violet, your body reacts to me and you can't stop it'

He was right my body was reacting I could feel myself getting wet but he wouldn't know that.

His hand began to travel down my body when it stopped at my hip and he began making circle motions on my hip bone. I began to shiver more I couldn't help it my body was reacting in ways I didn't know it could. I couldn't stop it I didn't want to stop it.

He looked into my eyes as if asking for permission, permission to do unthinkable things to me. Things I had wanted him to do for so long , I nodded my head and his hand began to move down further until he reached the bottom of my skirt.

He lifted it up and moved his hand towards my most intimate area of my body. My breathing increased and so did my heart rate.

He placed his thumb on my clit and began rubbing my knees buckled but he held me up and took my weight.

I was a weak mess he had only placed one finger on me and I was all ready falling apart.

'Fuck violet you are so wet for me'

He began rubbing even faster my breathing only intensified. He pushed my panties aside and slide one finger in but making sure he didn't loose connection with my clit.

'You are so tight violet , fuck '

I could feel something building up inside me I knew exactly what it was. I began to moan his name.

' what are you saying violet tell me'

'I'm gonna cum Elijah' I managed to get out

And as if on queue I reached my climax I fell forward into his chest slumped over from the pleasure. He removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth. He opened his mouth and placed his finger inside and sucked it slowly.

' you taste so good, I want to taste more of you '


English with Mr HealyWhere stories live. Discover now