I'm on my Period

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"Hey Angie?"

"Yes, James?"

"Wanna go to the movies tonight?"

"Yeah sure! Sounds fun."

"Alright, babe, be there at eight." James hung up and checked his reflection. Damn, I look good today.

He'd been dating Angie for a few months now, and things were amazing. He loved her to death, and he was sure she felt the same.

When the time came, he dressed himself in the nicest non-formal wear he could find (jeans, basically) and hopped in his car. Angie volunteered at the animal shelter in the afternoons, so she was probably going to smell like dog pee, but they'd been together long enough for him to overlook it.

As he circled the parking lot of the theater, he spotted Angie's car (while she was still inside).

"Angie!" he called, hopping out of his car after he'd parked.

"Hey James!" She blew her boyfriend a kiss. "Sorry if there's cat hair all over me. The shelter was crazy today."

"It's cool," James said, kissing her on the cheek as he climbed into her car. He moved to her lips and things began to get intense. Just as his hand found her bra strap, she pushed him away.

"Not today, I'm on my period."

James wrinkled his nose. "Okay, never mind."

Angie just rolled her eyes. "Boys are so squeamish," she muttered.

They walked to the ticket booth and bought some popcorn. (James bought himself a chocolate bar.) As they walked into the movie theater, James whistled softly. "A lot of people here today, huh?"

"Yeah no kidding," Angie whispered, surveying the few remaining spots with dismay. "Finding a good spot will be impossible."

They miraculously found a perfect seat, right in the middle of the dark room, and quickly took a seat before it could be stolen from them. Forty-five minutes later, the movie finally started. (Stupid previews.)

It was an incredible movie, and about halfway through it, James quietly unwrapped his chocolate, not wanting to be the annoying person who crinkled wrappers constantly. He ate most of it in a few minutes (he loved chocolate), leaving only three squares. He popped two into his mouth, and right as he was about to eat the last one, Angie leaned over and whispered," Can I have that?"

James smirked. "Don't touch my chocolate, babe."

She lost her smile. "Please?"

"I bought it Angie, and you know how much I like chocolate."

"I like chocolate too, James. Don't be a dick."

He snorted. "You can always buy your own."

"I don't want to miss the movie." Angie scowled.

"I'll fill you in."

"James, I'm on my fucking period, now get your head out of your twat and give me the damn chocolate," she snarled.

He raised his hands defensively. "Woah there, Angie, it's just chocolate."

"You ate an entire package by yourself, you can spare one square."

By now, James was only holding out in this fight out of spite and tossed the last piece in his mouth and made a big show of swallowing. "It's not a big deal, you can always get some."

Angie glared at him like he'd offended her great ancestors. "I said I'm on  my period, James."

"Why is this such a big deal to you?"

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