graciousness// prologue ✨

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"the animals, the animals, trap trap trap till the cage is full."

louis sat in front of the television wrapped in a blanket, watching another episode of orange is the new black.

he would repeat the same process. Turn it on, drift off into his thoughts, realize what he missed, then start it over again.

he may be going crazy, but who knows. there has been a lot on his mind since he left. he said he was going out with a few friends after work, giving louis no disclosed location or information as to where he might be.

when he says he's 'going out' it usually means him getting drunk, and its never pretty. there's all this anger that he apparently has built up behind a wall (trump, is that you?) in his mind, that only alcoholic beverages seem to be able to break down. but louis, gets all the anger taken out on him, unfortunately...

his yelling, which turns into throwing things, which leads to louis crying. in louis' mind crying shows weakness, and he takes advantage of that.. throwing punches, slaps breaking countless beer bottles, breaking mirrors, which louis cringes at because he believes in bad luck, and well, sometimes knives. crazy, right?

sometimes he threatens louis, but usually doesn't go through with it. because apparently in his mind louis is too "pretty and clean" and everyone needs scars. yeah, he's f.ucked up like that. he doesn't cut him often. yet when he does, it gets gruesome.

meanwhile, louis here is too wrapped up in his own thoughts to hear the loud garage door open. then is suddenly snapped out of it by a familiar booming voice.

louis tenses up and straightens out his body against the couch cushion.

"a-alex..." louis says quietly. he notices alex's amused expression. he was supposed to clean today, but he didn't.

"oh," he says with fake impressiveness. "my baby actually did what I said for once. look at this! the house is spotless." sarcasm practically dripping off his very tongue.

"I-I'm sorry alex, I honestly f-forgot. I swear."
he couldn't think a valid excuse like all the other times. he just had to take what was coming for him next.

a slap.

alex had charged towards him with his hand raised in the air and lowered it down with force to louis' face.

louis made a sound of discomfort while holding his cheek.

"you know what? I work all day for you. all I ask is that you clean the fucking house. but you forgot? is that your excuse? because it looks to me that all you've done today was watch lesbian jail shows and sit on your fat fucking ass. you worthless piece of shit." he paused and took a breath.

"I don't want to have to do this to you lou! you can't do one simple fucking task! you are so disobedient.

"alex, I'm sorr-" louis tried to talk, but got cut off.

"didn't I tell you to call me a certain name?" he raised and eyebrow. a smirk forming on his thin lips. he hated his mood swings

louis' eyes widened a bit once he remember and he did not want to call him what he told him to call him.

"say it." alex said.

louis looked up at him and bit his lip.

"I'm sorry, daddy."

so, long story short, louis went to bed that night with a red cheek and a sore bum...

authors note: hey hey first chapter and edited by me, Kayla. I'm super excited for this fic. and if you're reading this, thank you, and it's not too late.

lmao drake reference. but we love feedback woo! so comment your thoughts and vote and all that shit. thank youuuu ✌🏾️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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