Chapter 1

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I sighed wearily once I was out of earshot. I was working today. Unfortunately, if you ask me. I have a paper due tonight by 11:59 P.M. yet here I am working at the coffee shop until 8:00 P.M. As of right now, it is 6:30 P.M. I chewed on my bottom lip worriedly. I hadn't even gotten to writing my English essay & I was screwed for sure. I was pretty smart, I will admit. But English was the subject I was weakest at. I still passed easily through the course with an A, but it caused enough stress as it was.

Currently, I was on break so I just sat around, moping while eating my sandwich. I tried rummaging through ideas together, trying to fit them like a puzzle. I groaned as I felt my brain slowly going into overdrive. And here I was, earlier this morning thinking that today was going to be a wonderful day. I scoffed to myself. Shoving the remaining pieces of the sandwich in my mouth, I sat up, brushing down my apron & set off to work again.

By the time I glanced at the clock, it was 8:01 P.M. I sighed. But this time, it was out of relief. I hung my apron in the storage room & simultaneously grabbed my purse & strode out of the coffee shop, waving to my co-workers as I left. I unlocked my car, sat inside, & started it, anxious to get to my apartment to start on my essay. While I was driving, I got a call from my best friend, Elizabeth. She also happened to be my roommate or apartment mate. Whatever you would like to call it. I swiped the screen & held my phone to my ear.

"Chelsea!" she screamed in my ear & I had to pull my phone away momentarily as I grimaced.

"You're going to deafen me one day, Elizabeth." I groaned as I held my phone back to my ear.

She laughed annoyingly on the other end. "Guess what?" she asked in a sing-song voice.

"Hm, let me guess. You found another potential soul-mate?" I asked teasingly. To put it in derogatory terms, Elizabeth was a hoe.

She feigned shock on the other end. "Well, I did, but that is not the main point!"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, fine. What is it?"

"Ok, so I finally got a new idea for my story!" she exclaimed on the other end.

Elizabeth was a hoe. And a writer. I liked to call her a slutty writer.

"Oh really? What is your idea?"

"Incubuses!" she said giddily.

"Incubuses?" I asked, confused.

"Incubuses." she confirmed. After a moment of silence she interrupted.

"You know, male sex demons?" Oh that rang a bell. Totally. Of course she would be writing about male sex demons. She was probably being sex-deprived at the moment. Whereas I, a proud virgin, could care less about sex & all that jazz.

"Ok that's nice. Where are you going to go from there?" I asked.

"I have no idea!" she declared proudly.

I laughed. "You prude. Call me if you have anything other than that." I teased.

"You know I will!" Elizabeth replied & I could almost imagine her winking on the other line.

"Alright well bye for now! I'll be home in five." I said into my phone.

"Drive safely, Chels." she said right before she cut the line.

I drove home safely & parked my car in front of my apartment. I picked up my phone, bag, & keys as I sauntered up the stairs. My apartment was on the fifth floor, to my dismay. But I got used to it. I mean you had to. I couldn't really sulk around about it despite the fact that my knees felt like fucking jelly by the time I climbed to the fifth level. Oh well.

I reached the fifth level & walked towards my apartment number, 696. I knocked on the door a few times since Elizabeth was in there. A few seconds passed so I knocked again. No answer. I furrowed my brows as I waited a little bit. More seconds passed. Seconds turned into minutes. I sighed & looked into my bag for my keys. Pulling out my keys, I fumbled for the right one & turned the lock.

Darkness welcomed me as I stepped into my apartment. There was one source of light coming from the study. It didn't seem like a room light since it flickered so I assumed it was candles.

"Elizabeth." I called out nervously. I was scared of the dark to be honest. Not scared to the point where I'd shit my pants but still scared.

I followed the source of light until I ended up in the study. There was a hell lot of candles lit. They were placed in a circle with a some sort of red substance lined in a circle following the candles. And right smack dab in the middle of it was a naked Elizabeth.

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