The Guests have arrived...

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"I cannot bloody breathe!" I desperately tried to catch my breath. Gasping for air, grabbing onto the edge of the brown wooden table until my knuckles grew white. "Please stop! I can't breath!" I spoke loudly.

"Oh calm down Florence, you are being far to dramatic. It's only a corset." The elder women shook her head at me, waving off the fact that my rib cage was about to break under the ridiculously tight corset crushing my waist. "Esther... just a little looser please..?" Esther sighed loudly, but none the less loosened the strings of the black lace corset.

"Servents to the dining room imedietly," a maid stuck her small little head inside the large, brown oak door, "Esther? Come along." The maid said in a kind tone. "Actually, Esther is helping me get dressed now." I interrupted, smiling softly at the petite women standing at my door. Quickly her eyes shot over to me. "Oh of course, your madgesty. I apologise deeply, I did not see you!" She started fidgeting, looking nervously at her feet. "It's alright, you might want to hurry up over to the dining room, yes?" I asked kindly. "Yes your madgesty," Quickly closing the door and rushing out.
I turned back to Esther who was holding my crown in her hands. Gently placing it on top of my black hair, she stepped back staring at me as if admiring her work. "Beautiful..." She whispered, with tears in her eyes. "Esther... don't cry.." Esther was like the mother I never had. My own mother passed away when I was very young. Esther had been here long before I was born, but when my mother died she took on the extra role of being my mother. This little old women, that I loved so deeply was crying.

Holding her tightly, she whispered again, "you look so much like her. You've got her beautiful gray eyes and coal black hair." "I can't believe your father is marrying that, that awful b-" "yes I know Esther, I do not like her either. But there is nothing we can do." Esther walked out of my embrace, pacing back and forth. "Oh, but I'd love to give her knock to the face a few times!" I couldn't help but giggle, watching this little old lady that could hardly kill a fly, trying to act as if she could knock down anyone.
Suddenly we heard the horns blowing outside. Rushing to the window, we saw all the carages standing outside.

The guests have arrived.

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