The bloody Marriage...

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"Ah! There she is!" My attention turned away from Esther and rather toward who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Smiling down at my father who was talking to the King and Queen of Portugal, I believe. I lift my long, black satin dress off the stairs and walk down towards them. "You must be Florence?" The Queen asked while smiling at me. I smiled brightly at her. "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you..." I paused. She answered without blinking, her smile never faltering "Carmen."

I spoke to so many people, walking around and greeting everyone with my father. But this odd feeling of someone watching me kept returning. Still it was most likely only my imagination.

"Tom!" A loud, low, manly voice shouted. My father's eyes shot up from the strongly smelling wine he was pouring, a laugh shooting out of his mouth. Turning around he shouted back, "Martin! It's been too long" Enveloping "Martin" in a hug, I had never seen him this exited about meeting an old chap.

Finishing their hug, the man I assumed was Martin, turned to me. "Florence? Is that really you? Oh it's been so long. You are so grown up." Seeing this man's face instantly, something clicked.

"Uncle Potatomash?!" I almost shouted. Martin chuckled, "you remember that do you?" I giggled. "I'll never forget her face after you flicked a spoon full of mashed potatos right in her face, it was all over her new dress.." I almost couldn't contain the amount of laughter cooking over.

Shaking his head, he was going to say something but he got interrupted by a nasely voice."Darling?!" Catherine walked up to my father kissing his cheek. Meanwhile I was wondering why she wasn't in a pool of blood on the floor right now, I mean the amount of times I just stabbed her in my mind were far beyond leathel. She turned to Martin and turned cold as ice. "Catherine" Martin began, "I'd like to apologise for throwing mashed potatoes at you years ago." Martin said while winking at me. Covering my mouth to contain my laughter was hard. She squinted her eyes at him, "Hmph" was her only answer.

Then she turned to me. She glared at me, but moved her gaze to my right where her eyes widened. Confused I looked to my right, until I saw a boy. Catherine looked at him rather flirtatiosly. "And who might you be?" She batted her eyelashes at him. I was wondering why my father was not reacting to this, until I found out he had left to get some more wine.
Martin smiled, "This is my son Francis."


Wedding chimes were being played. People stood up while Catherine began walking up towards my father and the priest. I stood close to him, Martin, and the boy from earlier. Catherine was getting closer. Though her bridesmaids seemed alot more interested in the boy, whose name I had forgotten, than their friend getting married.

Right when Catherine stepped up beside my father, a man came rushing in, running into the middle of the floor. Blood all over him, he was practically drenched in it. The music abruptly stopped. All the guests looked at him in terror. I noticed him as one of our knoble knights. He looked as if he was about to pass out but right before, he spoke loudly and clearly.

"They are here."
His eyes rolled to the back of his head, before colapsing in a blooded mess. Revealing a sword in his back.

Horrified, I backed away startled, bumping into someone. Before I had the chance to see who it was, my eyes snapped over to the female who screamed.

That's when panic broke lose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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